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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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composite but ends

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Not on the XN10's or the R+'s. I know there was a site selling them, but don't remember it off-hand. A quick fix is to cut a broken composite blade and use the old hosel as a butt end.

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i've done that with wooden blades. i love it, because if you cut it near the blade, you can get an arc from the blade which fits nicely in your hand

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yeah theyll be selling em individually and im sure theyll be no shortage of kids rushing in to buy a comp plug for 15-25 instead of a wood for 3-5 lol...

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I have one.My cousin gave me a Ultralite and it had it in it.But I think it was made out of a blade because it gets smaller at the end and it hurts my hand hand unless you put a whole bunch of tape on it.

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well i was sorta being sarcastic they are coming out at the same time as the stealth, or at least that was the word last time my rep dropped by. he said he thought it was a great idea for easton cuz they were gonna be chargin 15+ bucks each and most people get a hard on over anything composite. i havent heard anything since then tho.

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