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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Question...

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Hi guys -

I don't play, only referee. I skate somewhere around 250 games a year, often 3 or 4 in a row, so comfort is a must for me. 2 years ago I bought a pair of RBK 9k's without being properly fitted. While they fit "ok", I used to get very bad lace bit with then (fail the pencil test, badly). I get by now with lace bite pads and they don't really bother me anymore.

I'm going to be in the market for new skates in around a month. I realize that you need to try on skates to get a proper fit, but can anyone advise which skates would have more volume than the 9k's so I don't waste time trying on skates that have no chance of fitting me?


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I'm not sure about the depth of the RBK's compared to other skates, but I know the forefoot and heel are fairly wide compared to others, so I suspect they are deeper than other skates. If I'm correct, then to go for a deeper skate you probably would want to look for graf 709, g9, or ultra g70's. The nikebauer flexlites are also a very deep skate you could look into.

One grafs are broken in, I just don't think you can beat the comfort level if they fit correctly.

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I'm not sure about the depth of the RBK's compared to other skates, but I know the forefoot and heel are fairly wide compared to others, so I suspect they are deeper than other skates. If I'm correct, then to go for a deeper skate you probably would want to look for graf 709, g9, or ultra g70's. The nikebauer flexlites are also a very deep skate you could look into.

One grafs are broken in, I just don't think you can beat the comfort level if they fit correctly.

I'm pretty happy with the width of the 9k's. They are a half size too big, and the depth issue is the major cause of any discomfort that I've had with them.

Can anyone compare them with the One95's? I've very interested in this skate, although I've never tried it on...

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From what I've heard the one95 is a high volume skate. Might be worth giving it a test try at your LHS. Other than that, as others have mentioned, the Nike Flexlites are an extremely high volume skate, might be your only option if the one95s run too tight. Goodluck on your search.

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I have similar issues with most skates and the 709 style skates, are probably worth checking out. I do love my Shift 2s, they have more volume than any other skate I've worn.

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I've never seen Flexlite skates in stores around me...are they easy to come by?

They can be ordered, but I have yet to see them in a shop or talk to one that has them.

From what I understand after talking to a LHS owner, they just don't sell nearly as well, and being so deep and wide they really don't fit the majority of peoples' feet. Why stock something that has little chance of selling? Same reason I had to go online to get size 11.5 skates, too big to stock as there's only a small chance of selling them.

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I've never seen Flexlite skates in stores around me...are they easy to come by?

They can be ordered, but I have yet to see them in a shop or talk to one that has them.

From what I understand after talking to a LHS owner, they just don't sell nearly as well, and being so deep and wide they really don't fit the majority of peoples' feet. Why stock something that has little chance of selling? Same reason I had to go online to get size 11.5 skates, too big to stock as there's only a small chance of selling them.

That's how I got where I am actually. My skates are 11.5's (should have gotten 11's), but at the time, I couldn't find RBK's locally in that size range to try on.

I'm NOT willing to order a skate online this time. Whatever I buy is going to have to be local. A dealer near me is big in Graf's, so they may be the early leader...

Also, I don't have a really wide foot. I've never worn wide footwear of any time. It seems that I need a deeper, but not necerssarly wider (than the 9k) skate.

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I've never seen Flexlite skates in stores around me...are they easy to come by?

They can be ordered, but I have yet to see them in a shop or talk to one that has them.

From what I understand after talking to a LHS owner, they just don't sell nearly as well, and being so deep and wide they really don't fit the majority of peoples' feet. Why stock something that has little chance of selling? Same reason I had to go online to get size 11.5 skates, too big to stock as there's only a small chance of selling them.

That's how I got where I am actually. My skates are 11.5's (should have gotten 11's), but at the time, I couldn't find RBK's locally in that size range to try on.

I'm NOT willing to order a skate online this time. Whatever I buy is going to have to be local. A dealer near me is big in Graf's, so they may be the early leader...

Also, I don't have a really wide foot. I've never worn wide footwear of any time. It seems that I need a deeper, but not necerssarly wider (than the 9k) skate.

My LHS almost always has Flexlite's in stock. My guess is that you are nowhere near Tampa, FL, but if so RinkSide Sports at The Ice Sports Forum should have them in stock.

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