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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S15 skate issue

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So Ive had these skates for roughly two months, switched out the holders for LS2s (checked the blade, they dont feel loose) and have been fine for the past month or so. Last night walking out to warmup my skate was making the weirdest click noise right under between the holders. And I swear I can feel it move when I walked or even Skated hard.

Anyone have a clue if this is either my holder or my skate?

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Could be any one of a number of things. Probably the holder and steel and not the boot. Clicking is usually a blade issue, needs to be tightened or theres a washer loose. If it is a creaking noise it might be that the holder isn't riveted tight enough. Anyway, sound like its probably not something that can't be fixed easily.

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I had a pair that did the exact same thing. Tried to tighten the nut under the heel of the insole that holds the blade in the holder. Unfortunately, by the time I noticed the click, the bolt was corroded pretty tight and I couldn't budge it. Still have the clicking but doesn't seem to affect my skating. Try the nut-if yours are that new the bolt should be able to move.

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My 1500's do the same thing on the left skate, also w/ LS2's. It doesn't seem to really mess with my skating either, but it's pretty unnerving to hear it sometimes.

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Had that sound with a lot of my old CCM and Easton skates. Most of the time it's just your blade is too loose in the holder and you just need to tighten the screws slightly but be careful you don't overtighten especially with Easton Razor Bladz or Nike/Bauer Lightspeeds. With a rag to protect your hand give them a good push at the bottom of the skate blade so the blade nests properly into the holder. Sometimes you may need to wiggle the blade slightly to feel it nest and then snug up the screws that hold the blade. Again don't overtighten, just make sure the screws are snug. Repeat the procedure after a few skates if neccessary.

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Went to go tighten the blades, and noticed a huge crack in the bottom inside of the skate! I think that explains the clicking I could feel/hear. So I'm sending them back. Does anyone know if mounting different holders on the skate voids the warranty?

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Went to go tighten the blades, and noticed a huge crack in the bottom inside of the skate! I think that explains the clicking I could feel/hear. So I'm sending them back. Does anyone know if mounting different holders on the skate voids the warranty?

Yes, usually the warranty is voided.

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Went to go tighten the blades, and noticed a huge crack in the bottom inside of the skate! I think that explains the clicking I could feel/hear. So I'm sending them back. Does anyone know if mounting different holders on the skate voids the warranty?

Whomever seated the rivets could have cracked the bottom. I'd start with them. Still a crack in the bottom is no big deal, you can skate years with that, and it won't effect anything. You'll likely be in new skates before you have ISSUES.

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