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Short boot recommendation(s)?

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Im looking for recommendations on low cut/short boots; I really dislike tall boots and would prefer to not have to skip more than one eyelet. Id like to have some sort of idea of skates to look for before going to my LHS and looking at every single skate there.

The only other criterion I have is that it be stiff and durable.

Thanks in advance.

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graf or mission are two of the lower cut boots

easton is the highest cut that i have seen

Any specific models? I dont care about have the most current either just what is going to work the best for me. If you know of something current or even from last year either way is fine for me.

Do you know how Mission ice boots are compared to Mission roller? I have limited experience with both. I owned a pair of Mission AMPs way back when and those were ok. I also had a pair of roller hockey skates as well that I used for like 6 months.

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ive gotten to test out a few pairs of missions and i love them.they have a really close to foot fit, and once the heat fit is done, it completely changes the comfort level. they should be snug to start out, especially in the ankles. Try the 120ag, which has alot of forward flex, top end boot, and very low cut. if you want a stiffer boot, try the 120 XP, and definitely try the AGX, a ton of boot for the price.

the grafs will all have the low cut, the lowest i believe is the 703, but all are low cuts. just pick whichever one fits you the best. all boots, the 700 series, and the ultra G series will have the low cut feature. very durable skates, just make sure your holders are aligned before you leave the store, getting them realigned is no problem, and they have gotten better recently, but it is something to be aware of.

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I agree. KOR Shift 1's will fit your bill if you can find them. There is a fairly wide selection of sizes up on Ebay now brand new for $99.

I'd try to track down some Kor Shift 1 skates. Just what you are looking for.

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I'll third that rec for Kor Shift 1's. I loved mine and at $99 that is an absolute steal for great skates.

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The problem with KORs is that I dont know that I could find any to try on and I prefer buying locally in case I have any sort of issues with them.

Also, while I've never held a pair of KORs or had a good look at them in person, they look to be a bit heavy and bulky. While I dont like a heavy skate I really, really do not want a bulky skate. This also kind of applies to Grafs to some extent though I've tried some on in the past.

While it is not a huge factor, how is the weight of the Missions compared to that of say the NBH Vapor/OneXX or CCM Vector lines?

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Totally understand on the "want to try them on first" thing. I can tell you that the Shift 1's are light...very light...and they are not bulky at least in my opinion. I came off Pro tacks when I first tried the Kors and the tacks felt like 2 concrete blocks in comparison.

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I tried on the AG120s today and did not like the fit at all. The forefoot was a bit tight and the ankle bone area felt tight; baking would probably not resolve the issue either.

I tried One75s and the ankle area felt better, however, the forefoot felt a lot wider. I tried on some Vapor XXVs and they felt great so I wanted to try XXXXs, but they didn't have my size. They are definitely a taller boot then the Missions, but I guess I'll just have to keep living with skipping an eyelet or two in order to get a good fit. They fit good to the point that I'd not even bother baking them.

Does anyone know the differences between the XXV and XXXX; specifically stiffness, fit, and overall quality?

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I tried on the AG120s today and did not like the fit at all. The forefoot was a bit tight and the ankle bone area felt tight; baking would probably not resolve the issue either.

Both pairs of Mission skates I've owned felt pretty uncomfortable pre-bake. Top of the forefoot was a little cramped, the heel didn't set in place well. The sales guy offered to mold them for me with no obligation to buy... After heat molding, they feel like a completely different boot. I don't notice any issues with the forefoot, and the heel fits like a glove.

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+1 on the Mission AGX. Low cut and a really, really good skate for the money, heck just a really good skate. I am experiencing the same issues Anthony mentioned above as I have not baked mine yet, but even so they are still quite skate able. Of course all feet are different but if you think the fit of the AGX is close you may ask if they can be baked with no obligation. Low cut but still very supportive with great forward flex. Based on my pair I'd say the workmanship is as good as any $500 skate I've seen. I have made the mistake of buying skates that felt comfortable width and length wise in the store. That doesn't translate well to the ice. They shouldn't kill you in the store but skates are meant to fit very snug. Any amount of extra room takes from the performance of the skate.

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You might want to try the Graf 727's.

they still make the 727?

I don't think they make them anymore, but you can still get them. I bought a pair earlier in the year and I love them. Good mobility, very low cut so no need to leave the top lace undone. They're not super light though, and the protection around the area before the toe cap if a little soft, not looking forward to getting a puck there!

But I love them and am very happy with my purchase.

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Mission skates will feel almost uncomfortable in the ankle area.

But it will go away with heat. As long as the rest of the foot fits nice and snugly, don't worry about the ankles.

I love the fit and the design of the Mission skates and I would have to say that out of all the skates my shop carries, I sell the AGX the most and have heard only good things about them.

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The LHS I went to didn't have the 727s nor AGX, however, I did try the AG120s as I mentioned. I've come to the belief that Missions just dont fit my foot well having had AMP 2s in the past and trying on the AGs. The "issue" with the ankle area being tight around the ankle bone might be a moot point because of heat, but I also felt that it was narrow in the arch area but almost too wide in the forefoot. Seems that NBH Vapor lines just fits my foot well as I have owned many other Vapors in the past (8s, 10s, 20s).; just too bad they don't make a shorter boot!

They are asking $450 for the AG120s at the LHS, which is $200 more than most online places, so I don't want to waste their time and I'm not willing to shell out an extra $200 just to buy them in a store. Also, they will not heat them until I have purchased them and once I heat them they're mine so I don't want to run that risk. Perhaps as the prices continue to come down on them I'll just pick up a pair off ebay or something to experiment with.

How is the AGX fit compared to that of the AG120s? Any major differences? I imagine they are far more similar than different though!

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I just got a pair of AGX skates. When I first put them on they were really uncomfortable, one baking and it is a completely different skate. I would not have believed it would change as much as it did. As for the skate itself, it seems to be of very good quality, certainly worth what they were asking for it, prior to all the markdowns. I am really liking the skates so far.

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