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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tape falling off

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I moved to North Carolina and I am experiencing a problem with the tape pealing off the stick. If I tape the blade in the evening, by the morning the tape is loose. Even if I tape the blade before going to the rink, by the time I get there, it is already partially off. This happens regarding the brand (Jaybird, Renfrew black and blue, etc.).

Before anybody ask, I know how to tape the stick and it never happened to me while living in New England.

Initially I thought it was because the weather was warmer in NC but it is still happening in the winter.

Yes, it is not as cold as in NE, but before I played during the summer in Connecticut and Massachusetts, when it was really hot, and this did not happen. Plus my sticks are kept in a cold garage and not left in a car parked in the sun.

Also the tape come loose during the game at the rink where it is cold.

This problem is so consistent and annoying that I decided to ask here. Anyone experienced anything like this?

Any ideas?



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If by tape is loose you mean the adhesive is losing its sticking power, my first guess would be that the blade you're applying tape to has a coat of wax on it. Has this problem been persistent across more than one stick?

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Puck it! I used to have that problem as well until I started rubbing the tape with a puck after I finish taping the blade. Give it try

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Puck it! I used to have that problem as well until I started rubbing the tape with a puck after I finish taping the blade. Give it try

what he said. Also use goof off on the blade first to get all old residue off first. then tape, puck it and use surfboard wax.

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Thank you all for your replies. I will try "pucking" it.

I don't use wax. I've been using the same blade for yeas now. (Sher-Wood 950).

I remove the tape usually after one use and replace before the next. I doubt that residue is the problem as the tape come loose near the end. What I mean is that the last pass come loose first and start coming loose from there. I don't if I make myself clear, but it is were the tape is partially applied over the previous loop of tape.

As a matter of fact, thinking of it, it is happening with a new blade that I just started using.

Again, thank you for your answers.

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Where are you storing the tape? Could it be near something hot that may be affecting the adhesive? Sounds like all of the same tape and blades...so it most likely could be the conditions around where the stick or tape is stored. Did you move into a new house? Most of the new houses built in NC and SC are FILLED with sheet rock dust, due to cheap labor with far too many people doing crappy taping/sanding work..or don't cleanup properly. Check the furniture, TVs, and other static objects in the house for dust film. That dust on your tape and blades would certainly affect the adhesive properties of your tape and explain your symptoms.

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I will try to post pictures later.

I thought it should be something about the adhesive. I stored the tapes in the garage where it is pretty cold year round . But thinking about it, may be during transport and storage at the store before I bought them...

I don't have dust in the house.

Thank you again.

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I wouldn't say it's the heat. I live in Australia and don't have that issue, and it's hot here. I always rub mine down with a puck/the roll of tape. I'd give that a go and see if it helps.

Very strange that it's just started happening though. Are you getting your tape through the same store?

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