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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Patrick Kane's Special ED. Gear

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does anyone find it wierd that the skates are not double stiched ? :ph34r:

#2 stiffness(retail) is single stitched. #3 stiffness is double stitched. This is a game worthy skate but is truly offered as a collectible item.

They can double-stitch #2s.

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Noticed it's P88. Now, I've assumed for a while now that he will assume the retail pattern from Lindros at some point (2009 cat has it still under Lindros) but is that what he is using?

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It looks like he's been using some kind square toe'd blade, something like the retail shanahan? Also I noticed that the sticks he used in the game said "Kandy Kane"

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IMO i really like the look of those skates! and how come the stick doesn't say "Kandy Kane" on it? unless their's a seperate auction for his game used sticks?

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does anyone find it wierd that the skates are not double stiched ? :ph34r:

#2 stiffness(retail) is single stitched. #3 stiffness is double stitched. This is a game worthy skate but is truly offered as a collectible item.

They can double-stitch #2s.

And then we call them "custom", not retail! I have ordered #2 stiffness with double stitching on custom XXXXs. The player I did it for now wants #3 stiffness after skating those XXXXs into the ground.

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