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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I developed one on my right heel after my foot was crushed and I lost my big and second toes, which gives credence to the looser fit explanation. My Vapor XXXs never fit correctly again, so I went a 1/2 size smaller XXXs, to Vapor XXVs, and finally settled on Grafs, which after punching cause me no problems (my Bauers were also punched, which didn't help the XXXs, but worked well for the XXVs but caused a different problem). Leather boots seem to me to make a difference, but have other shortcomings (higher maintenance, less protection). Worth the trade-off for me, though. However, my wife was not impressed by my spending close to a grand on skates in a two year period...

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My podiatrist said they will go away over time. Mine no longer hurt after a few weeks with 5k's. He also told me surgery is a last resort, and only used if the bumps get very large because the scar tissue usually causes just as much pain as the bumps themselves.

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I don’t think they go away over time. I have had mine for over ten years. I have worn three pairs of skates since the pair that caused them. They really don’t bother me at all right now. Surgery is a last resort because according to a Dr. I consulted, sometimes the Achilles tendon needs to be detached to properly remove the bump.

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I don't think they go away over time. I have had mine for over ten years.

If you stop skating they might go away eventually but as long as you continue to inflame them, they will keep growing.

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I have a rather large bump on my right heel. I am considering surgery to remove the bump. What's the recovery time, and was the surgery worth it in the end? I'm hoping to be in skates within 2 months, is that reasonable?

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I look at them like a badge of honor. Kind of like the coli flowered ears of wrestling and MMA.

Yea I play hockey... who wants to touch em? B)

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Yeah, maybe from skates that don't fit.... but I've worn customs since 1988 and I had no issues until I got my first "modern technology" boot... ie - they have a one piece plastic shell that wraps your heel and ankle bone and is molded to some mythical "average shape".... fact is, the boot used to give and form to your foot, now you have to form your foot to the boot 'cuz "heat mold-able" just isn't what it claims. Seems like the only option is to know where your potential hot spots are and spend weeks with your LHS heating and popping stuff out....

But then again, I'm a dinosaur and think75-80% of the new technology is just marketing hype... or they didn't consider the unintended consequences (or figure that we would deal with them to have "uberlight" skates at all costs).

//rant mode off... I'll get off my soap box now//

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Mine developed in Vapor 40's, now in Flexlites and they dont seem to have got any bigger. Anyone know if this is because my heel was too big for the 40's? I can only assume that the Flexlites are slightly wider in the heel than the 40's as they are in the forefoot. I'm kinda curious..

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Yes, most people seem to indicate the bumps are caused by too much movement. However, from my experience I developed them from wearing Vapor 40's that were way to small for my feet.

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I've been skating in Bauer's for about a year now and luckily have not had this problem. I was in vapor 40's first, they fit fine in the heel but too tight in the midfoot. The one95's and 75's I'm in now are ok fit wise, guess I'm lucky.

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Yeah, maybe from skates that don't fit.... but I've worn customs since 1988 and I had no issues until I got my first "modern technology" boot... ie - they have a one piece plastic shell that wraps your heel and ankle bone and is molded to some mythical "average shape".... fact is, the boot used to give and form to your foot, now you have to form your foot to the boot 'cuz "heat mold-able" just isn't what it claims. Seems like the only option is to know where your potential hot spots are and spend weeks with your LHS heating and popping stuff out....

But then again, I'm a dinosaur and think75-80% of the new technology is just marketing hype... or they didn't consider the unintended consequences (or figure that we would deal with them to have "uberlight" skates at all costs).

//rant mode off... I'll get off my soap box now//

I still want to try a pair of tacks.

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got mine in 40's that were slightly too big. in one95's now and the swelling has gone down. can still see them though.

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Mine developed over 25 years of playing at highly competitive levels (on the ice almost every day), almost exclusively wearing Bauer skates. By the time I was playing in college they were so bad they were nearly the size of a pingpong ball. However, now that I'm not playing regularly they have definitely shrunk down significantly. They're still there, but much, much smaller.

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I just bought a pair of rx60's for roller a few months ago and i've started to get a very small lump on the back of my left foot, but my right doesnt seem to get it at all. Right when I lace my skates up it feels like my left heel is hitting concrete. Never had this problem before with any skates. I'm going to try thicker socks and lacing tighter as my easton socks are so thin and "silky like" that they cause my heel to slide up and down in the boot on both feet. I'm curious as to why I haven't gotten it on my right foot. Can't get rid of the skates I spent so much on. Wanna get on top of this before it gets worse.

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