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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kovalev Pro Stock

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pro stock Kovy right doesnt exist.

I guess you would need to find a pro stock Perron blade, but even those are rare as hell!

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Someone knows where I can find Kovalev Pro Stock Blade but right or something similar.

if you want a right handed pro kovalev - you are better off just trying to get a david perron curve - because thats exactly what it is.

otherwise you would have to buy a real kovalev one and then send it off and pay big bucks to have it mirrored and then made custom.

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I have two Kovalev patterned pro stock warrior kronik sticks right handed. They are for Darren McCarty all his stick curves are patterned after Kov's

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I know I can do that, the problem is that I live in Argentina and is more difficult to buy one bring it here, and then send it again to do custom´s.

That´s why I was asking if someone knows something similar, like Perron/others

sorry for the english

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I have two Kovalev patterned pro stock warrior kronik sticks right handed. They are for Darren McCarty all his stick curves are patterned after Kov's

After Kovelev retail or Pro stock

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I have two Kovalev patterned pro stock warrior kronik sticks right handed. They are for Darren McCarty all his stick curves are patterned after Kov's

After Kovelev retail or Pro stock

Last I saw, which was a few years ago, McCarty's were Drury/YP curves. So Kovalev retail.

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I don't know how close it is, but the retail Warrior Weight might not be that far off.

The retail Weight is not even close to the same as the pro Kovalev. The curve in the picture might look similar, but the thing is with the pro Kovalev blade you don't get an idea of how long the thing really is. Its probably close another half of the Weight blade in total length. Its super long blade that's why with that rocker he has, there is still a usable amount of blade on the ice.

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I have two Kovalev patterned pro stock warrior kronik sticks right handed. They are for Darren McCarty all his stick curves are patterned after Kov's

After Kovelev retail or Pro stock

Last I saw, which was a few years ago, McCarty's were Drury/YP curves. So Kovalev retail.

I use some TPS McCarty prostocks... they have to be Kovalev retail.

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