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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When does 2009 Stock come out?

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Hey Guys, im about to buy some 5k Pants and 9k gloves...

Im not in urgent need of gloves or anything, so just wondering when the fresh batch of 2009 stuff will be released....if im not mistaken its around March right?

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Some LHS will push back new equipment deliveries this spring since they did not book new product early enough for March, April, May deliveries with certain vendors. A lot of dealers will be still trying to push out 2008 product from certain vendors that didn't sell before they can even think about new product from those certain vendors. The LHS that sold through on 2008 product will have the 2009 product from those certain vendors that have strong product sell through. Remember, banks have tightened up credit so if your LHS isn't running strong, he probably won't have the $ to book new 2009 product. This economy has changed the playing field.

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Another spot where the big-box online shops will gain some more price advantage over the LHS's.

Keep your dollars as local as you can everyone.

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