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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  Monty22 said:
I missed the season premier, did they address why Jack's hands weren't burnt anymore, or did they magically heal on their own?
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I watched a bit of Season 1...and other than getting some updates from all the people who watch at work I've been out of touch. Didn't see the preview movie....that may explain things.

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You do realise it's 24 and that this guy has saved the world over and over all in a 24-hour span. I'm not saying it didn't irk me, but this series relies on someone totally suspending their disbelief.

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  mack said:
You do realise it's 24 and that this guy has saved the world over and over all in a 24-hour span. I'm not saying it didn't irk me, but this series relies on someone totally suspending their disbelief.
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C'mon...Jack Bauer or not....burns and scars don't just GO AWAY! *L*

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He has a regenerative healing factor and a skull coated with adamantium now. It was covered in a movie that didn't make it to production.

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Idk about you guys but I'm really starting to find it hard not to be excited about the last few episodes left. It's getting much better.

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There have been rumors of him wanting to "move on" after 24....so this may be his outlet from the show. That being said, I have also heard (once again....rumors) that da chicka will be taking over in Jack's stead to carry on 24 going forward.

Time will tell. B)

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They did talk about an experimental cure with Kim's stem cells. My guess is that they never would have mention that if he wasn't going to try it.

Also, it's kind of a shitty way to die for the mighty Jack Bauer.

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  Monty22 said:
I think I had read a blurb about Sutherland signing up for another year, so if true I predict a miracle cure.
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Or...next season is the next day...and we get to watch Jack die...1 hour at a time.

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  Hidious said:
They did talk about an experimental cure with Kim's stem cells. My guess is that they never would have mention that if he wasn't going to try it.

Also, it's kind of a shitty way to die for the mighty Jack Bauer.

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Agreed. If anything he should go out in a situation like Bill did. I would hate to watch him die slowly, it is already bad enough that he is no longer in the field. It's bad for the show.

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This new Tony Almeida plot twist is a total mess to say the least. So let me get this straight:

Tony has from the very beginning been working for the this mysterious umbrella organization that's even higher up than Starkwood (Jonas Hodges)/General Juma. This organization, through Jonas Hodges and Starkwood, had commisioned the creation of a bioweapon. Supposedly (as of last night's episode), Hodges and this organization were not on the same page with regard to the use of this weapon...........yet this organization seemed to know all along that Hodges had ill intent what with Hodges' terror attacks in conjunction with Juma. For this reason, Almeida has been instructed to undermine Hodges' plans for the weapon by helping Jack Bauer and the FBI take the weapon from Hodges (only to steal it from the FBI later I assume). Keep in mind that Almeida was HELPING Hodges and Juma with their CIP device attacks earlier in the day. Apparently, in the end this organization didn't seem to mind that Almeida blew up 99% of the bioweapon when he destroyed Starkwood's missile site and were satisfied just getting a canister of the stuff after probably many millions of dollars in research and thousands of Sengalans killed during experimentation. And while Jonas Hodges was apparently subjigated enough to this mysterious organization to take a freakin' suicide pill when instructed to do so, this organization felt the best course of action was for Almeida to help the FBI get control of the bioweapon rather than simply confront Hodges and make sure he's doing as instructed.

I guess you're not supposed to actually think about this stuff. I love 24 and watch religiously, but I think it's about time to bring an end to jack's career...........although I don't think his exposure to the bioweapon will be his demise.

Oh yeah, Agent Walker is FINE! I love those red heads.

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  CaptainFantastik said:
This new Tony Almeida plot twist is a total mess to say the least. So let me get this straight:

Tony has from the very beginning been working for the this mysterious umbrella organization that's even higher up than Starkwood (Jonas Hodges)/General Juma. This organization, through Jonas Hodges and Starkwood, had commisioned the creation of a bioweapon. Supposedly (as of last night's episode), Hodges and this organization were not on the same page with regard to the use of this weapon...........yet this organization seemed to know all along that Hodges had ill intent what with Hodges' terror attacks in conjunction with Juma. For this reason, Almeida has been instructed to undermine Hodges' plans for the weapon by helping Jack Bauer and the FBI take the weapon from Hodges (only to steal it from the FBI later I assume). Keep in mind that Almeida was HELPING Hodges and Juma with their CIP device attacks earlier in the day. Apparently, in the end this organization didn't seem to mind that Almeida blew up 99% of the bioweapon when he destroyed Starkwood's missile site and were satisfied just getting a canister of the stuff after probably many millions of dollars in research and thousands of Sengalans killed during experimentation. And while Jonas Hodges was apparently subjigated enough to this mysterious organization to take a freakin' suicide pill when instructed to do so, this organization felt the best course of action was for Almeida to help the FBI get control of the bioweapon rather than simply confront Hodges and make sure he's doing as instructed.

I guess you're not supposed to actually think about this stuff. I love 24 and watch religiously, but I think it's about time to bring an end to jack's career...........although I don't think his exposure to the bioweapon will be his demise.

Oh yeah, Agent Walker is FINE! I love those red heads.

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Could've saved yourself that whole paragraph if you'd started with that line. My brain is never on for 24, that'd ruin it.

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Yeah, but it just gets seemingly more ridiculous with each year. It didn't used to be such a complicated web. On the bright side, we get to see Jack interrogate Jonas Hodges next week. That's going to be epic.

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  Spreedizzle said:
  chippa13 said:
That Jack Bauer, how can one guy be so involved in so many wicked bad days?
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Next season he works as a sharpener in a LHS.

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From what I've read here...that might give terrorist duty a run for it's money *L* Worst day ev-ah!

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