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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Un-Written Rules of Hockey

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  MojoJoejoe1987 said:
I always hated it when people hook my hands or when someone took a two hand slash at my stick in the corner. I know everyone is competitive but there's a point where that kind of stuff is unnecessary, especially in pick up.
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i agree i play with the same guys once a week and theres this one dood (that noone likes he kind of a big baby) comes to the games with new equip every week and is a huuuuuge showboater. if he cant do his trick hell do it over and over and over and won`t pass to anyone unless he gets it....and if noone passes to him he gets frustrated and starts callin people out that they suck etc etc...or if he gets pissed he just leaves the game like he did yesterday anyways...

what bugs me most is when he gets pissed he hacks and slashes (obviously we cant do it back) or if god forbid someone has new equipment...my buddy and i were lucky enough to get the new ak27 sticks...he 2 handed chops at ur stick like a mad man!...i swear if he tries that with me i`m drioppin the gloves!

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  johnson_13 said:
what bugs me most is when he gets pissed he hacks and slashes (obviously we cant do it back) or if god forbid someone has new equipment...my buddy and i were lucky enough to get the new ak27 sticks...he 2 handed chops at ur stick like a mad man!...i swear if he tries that with me i`m drioppin the gloves!
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Why can't you do it back? Isn't it drop-in? No referee. And, he's obviously trying to break your sticks. He continues to do it because you allow it to happen. There's no reason in the world to put up with that shit. I don't care how big the guy is...you have a stick, too. Give him some of his own medicine.

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  Tailboard Jockey said:
  johnson_13 said:
what bugs me most is when he gets pissed he hacks and slashes (obviously we cant do it back) or if god forbid someone has new equipment...my buddy and i were lucky enough to get the new ak27 sticks...he 2 handed chops at ur stick like a mad man!...i swear if he tries that with me i`m drioppin the gloves!
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Why can't you do it back? Isn't it drop-in? No referee. And, he's obviously trying to break your sticks. He continues to do it because you allow it to happen. There's no reason in the world to put up with that shit. I don't care how big the guy is...you have a stick, too. Give him some of his own medicine.

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First time is a warning, second is a chop right back at him.

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i was sarcastic by saying we cant do it back we all give him a taste of his medicine and he acts like a huge baby...like hes the only one with expensive equipment! lol not to say everything i own is expensive but i mean have some respect for others gear!

yesterday noone wanted to play on his team so he got stuck with guys that really didnt know him....they saw how much of a jerk he was and noone passed him the puck lol he left 30 minutes in LOL

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I generally try to make the "right pass" even if it's to a guy who's no good. Gotta keep the puck moving.

I think it's really bad form for decent/good players to be overly aggresive with new players when they actually get the puck... Give the guy a second to skate and do something with it. We all know you could take the puck from him.

Also, if you score, even if it's a sick goal, don't whoop it up. Act like you've done it before. Basically just be respecful, like others have said.

If you get a guy with your stick or cause a bad fall by accident (accidents happen), apologize and make sure they guy's alright. Don't do anything (deliberately) that could cause injury. Better to let the play go if there's any risk of hurting anyone to make the play.

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give credit too the other teams D for stopping you on a one on one, tap the goalies pads if theres a save, just be an all around good sport.

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  adam14 said:
give credit too the other teams D for stopping you on a one on one, tap the goalies pads if theres a save, just be an all around good sport.
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I have to tap the goalies pads far too often...they've been stoning me bad lately *L*

I usually follow "Nice save..." with "...you sonofabitch".

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People hanging out around the net at stick and pucks drives me nuts especially when I'm obviously lined up at the top of the circles to practice slappers.

  dsjunior1388 said:
at sticks and pucks, if you are going to spend the WHOLE time practicing your stupid robbie schremp lacrosse moves, don't do it in front of the net so no one else can shoot.
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  CannonBall said:
People hanging out around the net at stick and pucks drives me nuts especially when I'm obviously lined up at the top of the circles to practice slappers.
  dsjunior1388 said:
at sticks and pucks, if you are going to spend the WHOLE time practicing your stupid robbie schremp lacrosse moves, don't do it in front of the net so no one else can shoot.
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I line up for a shot. Moron kid goes for robbie shremp move. I skate in a circle to re=approach puck. Moron kid part 2 takes my puck. *eyes pop out of head in anger*

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Give everyone a chance to get into the flow of the game... playing on 'your' line with your buddies defeats the purpose of the whole session. I've got a buddy that I normally pair up with during league games, but during drop ins we always try to be on the opposing side... gives you a chance to play with others, and appreciate each others' weak points.

Communicate with the other players on your team... not tell them what to do but to let each other know where you are on the ice/rink.

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Don't yell for the puck if you're not open. You know the type. The guy who calls for the puck regardless if the pass makes good sense or not. Everybody wants the puck, but it does your team no good to distract the puck carrier's eyes away from legitimate options when there's always that one guy that thinks he's open, even though he usually isn't.

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  guasto74 said:
Don't yell for the puck if you're not open. You know the type. The guy who calls for the puck regardless if the pass makes good sense or not. Everybody wants the puck, but it does your team no good to distract the puck carrier's eyes away from legitimate options when there's always that one guy that thinks he's open, even though he usually isn't.
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mostly just don't call for the puck. 70% of the time if you deserve it and are in position to do something with it you'll probably get it.

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  dsjunior1388 said:
  guasto74 said:
Don't yell for the puck if you're not open. You know the type. The guy who calls for the puck regardless if the pass makes good sense or not. Everybody wants the puck, but it does your team no good to distract the puck carrier's eyes away from legitimate options when there's always that one guy that thinks he's open, even though he usually isn't.
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mostly just don't call for the puck. 70% of the time if you deserve it and are in position to do something with it you'll probably get it.

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Good point.

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One issue my buddies and I have had to put up lately is drunk guys. Now im not against drinking but its frustrating when you got the goofy drunk trying to man the point and turning the puck over constantly. This is annoying but not as bad as the Angry drunk, this guy is a really good player but he still feels the need to tune up all of us losers at the drop in session. He rocks a tinted visor (not implying anything...) and he just tries to make a fool of all us guys (who are beginners) especially my buddy who was playing goal. he only played 3 times but this guy just kept deking him out and laughing at him.

if you are good, encourage the not so good guys and dont try to make them look like fools. make a legit play but don't do something you wouldnt normally do.

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  myelinsheath said:
One issue my buddies and I have had to put up lately is drunk guys. Now im not against drinking but its frustrating when you got the goofy drunk trying to man the point and turning the puck over constantly. This is annoying but not as bad as the Angry drunk, this guy is a really good player but he still feels the need to tune up all of us losers at the drop in session. He rocks a tinted visor (not implying anything...) and he just tries to make a fool of all us guys (who are beginners) especially my buddy who was playing goal. he only played 3 times but this guy just kept deking him out and laughing at him.

if you are good, encourage the not so good guys and dont try to make them look like fools. make a legit play but don't do something you wouldnt normally do.

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Defintely sucks to have to play with anyone like that. What I've actually noticed is that when I was starting to get back into playin (roller) I was going to open sessions and there were always a few guys like you mentioned above. Thought they were the sheet and so good. As I started getting better and playing for a few teams now, I ran across these guys in real games, and they were all terrible!!! Its so funny to see them during a real game when they can't do anything right but when they are open they act like they own the place and do all these moves. Not saying I'm great or anything but goes to show you that these show-boaters at open and pick up sessions may act like they do because they really suck during real games. Don't get me wrong though, i hate them nonetheless

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  dsjunior1388 said:
  guasto74 said:
Don't yell for the puck if you're not open. You know the type. The guy who calls for the puck regardless if the pass makes good sense or not. Everybody wants the puck, but it does your team no good to distract the puck carrier's eyes away from legitimate options when there's always that one guy that thinks he's open, even though he usually isn't.
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mostly just don't call for the puck. 70% of the time if you deserve it and are in position to do something with it you'll probably get it.

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doesnt work with puck hogs though... they wont pass regardless. I understand how they might be a really good player, but in my book the difference between a good and great player is that the great player also makes good passes

I play drop in with a couple of guys who are really good... but usually one guy stands out as he tries to make a sweet pass to the open guy, regardless of his skill level.

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I personally believe if you can deke around every guy there, you need to do it only occasionally. It’s pick up so have fun use your skill if you have it but don’t piss off other ppl.

I know personally I will pass to anyone that has busted their arse to stay with me and the play. Especially if a newbie does all the right things, supports the play, skates hard and then just before he hits open ice he calls for a pass. A few weeks back that happened and I wired a newbie (playing less then 12 mths) with a great pass and he scored. The guy is double the size of me and nearly broke my back in the celebration. Needless to say I get more of a buzz out of setting guys up like that then I do from scoring a end to end goal.

One of my favourite parts of hockey is giving the new guys great advice, see them try it and then watching their faces light up when they know they did something right out on the ice.

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The whole idea of a drop in is to have fun... while going end to end by yourself could be fun to some, its downright boring and pisses the others off. I agree with Aussie_Joe (and his avatar), nothing beats helping a newbie out with a simple pass.

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Played the other day and there was one guy with great hands that was showboating the whole time. Every time he touched the puck he was looking for someone to show up. The end result? Half a dozen guys who spent just as much money as he did skated off the ice vowing that they wouldn't be back for a while.

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Something I love about pick up recently are the Canadian imports that have come down. Amazing skils, great blokes but most of all they pass. Sometimes they showboat, but to be honest its such a positive feeling they bring along most people are happy to have them with the odd end to end.

On a negative note I had a kid last who I cut last winter from my team come to pick up and when I was on the ice, he spit all over my bag. I was shocked at how messed up this kid's upbringing must be.

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