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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey and skate outlet question about Inno

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Just wondering for those of you who have recently odered an 1100 OPS from them, do they still send out the old style ones or the new style ones (graphics wise). By new style I mean the one like kovalchuk had in the all-star game.

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they're the new graphics. also, all they have for OPS now are the dual-fit ones. They have kickpoints 12" from the blade and from the handle top. They're 170 now too. Real expensive. Also, the guy said the blade can be removed with a heat gun. That's all they said they'd be getting from now on.

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it wont flex in both spots because no pressure is being exerted on the top kickpoint, unless you hold your stick like a golf club

Actually if you pull with the top hand while you push with the bottom hand it should flex. If not, it will never load at the other end for wristers.

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Also, the guy said the blade can be removed with a heat gun.

Can anyone else confirm this?I bought one and have been wondering,but don't want to experiment in case I wreck the stick. Also if it's true wouldn't that just make it a 2-piece tapered shaft blade combo?

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