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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S-17 or SE16

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ok...im 13 and i dont really wanna spend $200 on a intermediate stick that is going to do me no good. I want to either get the S-17 or SE16

which one should i get? i have a pretty good slapshot for my age..a 62 or 63 if i recall. but it was in about july at a camp with a JR stick. im 5'4...about 110 pounds and i play defense...so i use my slapshot a lot.


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Intermediate is probalby the best option for you at your size. And they make both those sticks in intermediate sizes. The Max you should be using is a 70 or 75 flex senior, but you'd have to cut it down a good bit.

As for stick, I would say the Synergy would be a better bet. More durable.

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and anyways....jr. are too small for me now and i need an intermiediate so thats why im wonding which stick is better. I want an easton because even if i do cut it, it wouldnt be a 90 flex like it would be if i cut a bauer. if i cut an easton to my height...it would be about a 69..i checked. and im trying to decide which easton would e better for me...the S17 or the SE16

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and anyways....jr. are too small for me now and i need an intermiediate so thats why im wonding which stick is better. I want an easton because even if i do cut it, it wouldnt be a 90 flex like it would be if i cut a bauer. if i cut an easton to my height...it would be about a 69..i checked. and im trying to decide which easton would e better for me...the S17 or the SE16

If you cut down an intermediate Bauer, it'd be not much different than cutting down an intermediate Easton of equivalent flex and length. If you're looking for performance, my vote goes to the S17, but that shaft isn't that durable. I found the blade to be quite durable but it has more of a ceramic feel to it. The SE16 is nice, but just a hair below the S17 in performance. It is a tank though, but the blade seems like it'd be more prone to splintering than the S17 did, even though it hasn't. After using both sticks, if I were to get a new one, it'd be the S17, but I wouldn't cry about getting the SE16.

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get the se16. ur slapshot will be alot better and faster because of the stiffer stick. I'm 5'3 and use an intermediate and my shot is alot better now then with a jr. if u want a nice performing stick with good durability get the se16 or the ST. both are awesome IMO.

I also did have to cut the stick down about 4 inches and the flex really isn't that diffrent. it feels about 70 now and when i started it was 65.

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all my team-mates that have the SE and SL all seem to have the bottom of the blade fall out. the only two kids that havent had that happen to them were the SE16 and S17 kids.

Also...which stick has the better shot.

Sorry to be a pain

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get the se16. ur slapshot will be alot better and faster because of the stiffer stick. I'm 5'3 and use an intermediate and my shot is alot better now then with a jr. if u want a nice performing stick with good durability get the se16 or the ST. both are awesome IMO.

I also did have to cut the stick down about 4 inches and the flex really isn't that diffrent. it feels about 70 now and when i started it was 65.

Although some of the power could be from the stiff-ness (that is, if you can flex it just as much as your old JR. stick) chances are most of it comes from the stick being longer.

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Ya i think ur right. i had the old se in jr and it was REALLY whippy. when i switched to the ST in INT, as soon as i took a slapshot i could tell the diffrence. and im pretty sure its from the stiffness being alot higher like u said

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I am 15 and am your height I just weigh 5 more punds then you. Go with the Se16, I couldn't find it in anything other then the Zetterburg but I'm still happy with it.

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I haven't tried either, but I took a look at the SE-16 today, and the blade reminded me too much of the SL.

I had my SL for about 2 months, and then I broke it in a AAA camp trying to make a pass. It was an awesome stick, but not durable at all. The bottom of the blade is like glass. The paint job was horrible too, lots of chipping. The SE-16 looks like it could do that too. I don't know if paint really matters to you though.

A lot of people seem to be saying the SE-16 quite durable though, so if what they say is true, I would definetly go with it.

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5'4" - 110lbs - 13y/o

In my opinion, a OPS will not make you a better player or give you a better shot. If you're playing D, I'd actually try to find the heaviest and most durable stick possible...that means wood.

Let me explain.

You're going to grow, gain weight, and gain muscle. You'll also become a much better player a few years and inches from now and this will be the realm in which a carbon stick 'may' improve your game. Right now, I feel that you don't have the weight to really get the most out of that breed of stick and without knowing your playing abilities, a carbon stick may even make things worse. (wood has a more forgiving 'feel' to it)

Wood...if you're gonna do it...might as well go old school and contact Christian.

Ever see a wood stick get slashed in 1/2? I see OPS get destroyed all the time...not wood. With a wood stick and playing D, I have a feeling that you'll be the one destroying the opposing player's OPS. That should upset the other guy! Instead of spending your time trying to find a $200 stick, watch some Scott Stevens vids on YouTube. Lead with the shoulder, bury them when they have their head down, break their $200 sticks in 1/2, and show everyone else that you can kick ass with old school lumber.

I remember all the dirty stuff I used to do when I was that age...I'd cry if someone did that to my new $200 OPS. Besides, if you don't like the curve or just want to try something new - bust out the hot-air gun/torch and bend it yourself.

I'm playing devil's advocate here & ultimately the decision is up to you.

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As much as I like wood * :ph34r: * I usually can't get much more than a half-dozen shots out of a blade before it goes soft. I'm using One95 shaft/5030 blade combos; I might get two - MAYBE three - games out of a blade before it gets too soft and is relegated to "practice-use only" (where my standards are considerably lower - though I still only get another week or so of practices out of a blade before it either breaks or it turns to Play-Doh.

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I have a two-piece SE16 and last year's SE. So far I like last year's model much better. The SE16 shaft feels very boxy and heavier to me than last year's SE. I finally got a matching SE16 blade in a Sakic curve yesterday (was using a SE blade with the SE16 but I don't really think there's a difference) so I'll try that out and see how I like it. But so far, I have a feeling that I'll be sticking with last year's model.

Take that info for what it's worth because I am playing senior shafts with 100 flex.

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