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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why so many Warrior sticks

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I think Maltby's gone towards more of an RP, that's as close as I can think of. I have a couple Sundins but they're bigger than the Styles or RP. More like that big P31 I used to have.

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I think Maltby's gone towards more of an RP, that's as close as I can think of. I have a couple Sundins but they're bigger than the Styles or RP. More like that big P31 I used to have.

The problem is that I love my shafts too much to go with anything other than blades.

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Maybe Hockey Monkey will drum up the Dolo blades again because that'd be the only shot other than stashing more from TPS.

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For puck feel, the Mission pro stock blade I have is my favorite so far, very thick. The Warriors feel a little ceramic and pingy to me, although they are durable and thin. After I run through my stock, I'll probably order another Harrow blade, as those had a great puck feel and are a lot cheaper than retail blades.

As for shafts, my Easton Syn II has the most kick, but it could just be the 70 flex. The Warrior feels good but is a bit stiffer.

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