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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stinky Helmet

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The problem is that the foam in the helmet absorbs quite a lot of moisture (sweat) so it's tough to get the stink out. Personally I'd make a 50/50 solution of rubbing alcohol and water and spray it down real well and let dry, this should kill a good amount of the bacteria and "gunk" that's in there and causing the stink. It may take a couple of times to get any noticeable results but that's the best idea I can come up with. I personally spray down all of my equip. with that solution after I play before I let it dry, it helps kill anything that's on there right away and prevents the stink a little.

I'd be careful of Lysol b/c the helmet foam may absorb it and lock it in until it's wet again, like the next time you wear it and sweat, and then you'll end up getting lysol into the open pores on your skin (not a great thing since Lysol isn't the sort of thing you want on your skin let alone absorbed into it).

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I'm going with get a new helmet. If it smells as bad as you say I'm thinking you've had it for a few years and it's about time to replace it anyways. Usually every five years you should consider it because that's what is recommended. Also as previously stated at least air it out after every game and give it at least 24 hrs. to dry out completely if possible.

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That's the thing, I do! It's the helmet I use for coaching. I take all of my stuff out of my bag after every session...

Are you going right to the rink from work or something with product/shit in your hair? That might make 'em stink worse than normal. If you air it out every time and it's not that old....it really shouldn't stink that bad.

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It is the foam that causes the problem. Upgrade to the 5500 or higher and it'll be a lot easier to maintain because of the gel-pads, instead of foam. Even if you forget to air it out, a simple wipe-down will rid it of any smell. There won't be any porous material for bacteria to root into.

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You don't have to get a new helmet or replace the foam. Of course the real answer is to make sure it dries asap after each game. But since it already stinks, try B-Brite. It's a powder used to disinfect and kill bacteria. Brewing beer at home is another hobby of mine, and cleanliness is critical in making beer. Home brewers use it to sanitize all of our equipment. I soak my pants in a bathtub with hot water and two teaspoons of the stuff. That's right, just two - it's extremely powerful. But it has zero smell, which I like over things like febreze, lysol, etc. It's also really cheap. Put some in a water bottle and spray the helmet and let air dry. Good luck!

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