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stretching graf toe box

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I got one of my skates widened at my LHS last night, but they couldnt do much to the toe box. I had them widen around where the graf logo is. Felt a little better, but the toe box is still a little small. Ill also be checking to see if anyone has some more info, thanks.

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If you ever get a chance go with the European Toe Cap on Grafs. They are a touch longer and much wider.

Not sure how much you could stretch out the stock plastic toe cap. I never found a way, that's why I went with customs and got the European Toe Cap. Might be able to order replacement toe caps through Graf or you LHS.

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Hello,didnt know there was a european toe. Any links or contacts to order them or do the custom skate deal? Who would do the toe cap mods? located in new yor state. thanks JJL

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FWIW, I needed the toe box widened on my Bauer XXXXs. while the the guy was heating the toe box, he commented, and said that he wished that they were made up of the same plastic as the Grafs as they could be stretched much more easily.

He just used a heat gun and then the standard punch press and ball.

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I think JR said previously that the Europeans tend to have wider feet on average, especially northern Europeans. You would think Graf would get more people in their skates if they used the bigger toecap much like the current NBH skates.

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It's really quite hard to believe that Graf hasn't caught on about their toe caps being generally less roomy than Nike/Bauer or CCM skates. You'd think with all the Northern Europeans with the wider feet they've have picked up on that one fact and made some adjustments to their line of skates so they can grab a larger market share, especially in the Scandanavian countries who absolutely love their hockey. I see a lot more European players in Nike/Bauer and Reebok skates nowadays as opposed to years back when Grafs where more prominent.

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It's really quite hard to believe that Graf hasn't caught on about their toe caps being generally less roomy than Nike/Bauer or CCM skates. You'd think with all the Northern Europeans with the wider feet they've have picked up on that one fact and made some adjustments to their line of skates so they can grab a larger market share, especially in the Scandanavian countries who absolutely love their hockey. I see a lot more European players in Nike/Bauer and Reebok skates nowadays as opposed to years back when Grafs where more prominent.

I've noticed the same thing as well. I remember back in the day when the Russians (Fedorov) and Swedes (Forsberg) all wore Graf skates. You'll see a lot of Graf wearers here in the Twin Cities. There is one team we play against that has maybe 8-9 guys in Grafs. I'd get a pair of Graf G7s if the damned toe box was bigger..General Sports in Edina said they'd get me the G7s without the Cobras attached or holes drilled. I guess the G7's tongue has been replaced by the old style felt which I prefer. If I could, I'd put the tongues from my One55s on just about any skate I use.

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You can stretch a toe-cap laterally, but you'd be stretching the entire skate lengthwise.

As JR said, the Graf caps are pretty pliable when heated - even more so if they're V-notched on the inside. Just feel in with your hand and it should be pretty obvious. You shuold not run into the issues with outsole separation that other skates might. I wish I had taken a picture of my Flexlites after the toe-cap stretching: I just about had a heart attack. Contact cement is my new best friend.

If you ever get a chance go with the European Toe Cap on Grafs. They are a touch longer and much wider.

Not sure how much you could stretch out the stock plastic toe cap. I never found a way, that's why I went with customs and got the European Toe Cap. Might be able to order replacement toe caps through Graf or you LHS.

Actually, the Euro toe-cap's most obvious difference is depth: it's much, much taller and thus higher-volume than the stock Graf toe-caps, which are the most shallow you can find. The Euro-cap isn't that much wider than a standard Size 12.

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As far as the stretching goes laterally I would like to go about 1/8inch. My main concern is height of toe box about an inch past tongue stitching .Right big toe has small bone spur on top and is pressed on. I would like to raise the height of toe cap a hair for clearence.The skates are eight years old and in good shape with no other issues but I am considering going up one size (to 14w) since mine are a 13R to possibly solve the problem. One size larger shouldnt be ok in fit since actuallly I wear a 15 shoe/sneaker. Surgery is another solution but not really needed as per my doctor. I could always try a CCM but I havent seen to many higher end skates of theirs available. NBH is out of the question.Thanks to all the helpful posters and keep info coming if you have it. JJL

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My brother had exactly that done to his Grafs: the 'roof' of the toe-cap was raised by about 1/4" and the cap was stretched laterally by about that much.

14W? Jesus christ...

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