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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Finnish SM-Liiga HPK vs TPS 2/19/09

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I would think that with so many patches and badges competing for attention, you almost have to go with a black or white base to the jersey just so you can tell the teams apart.

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talk about a target

couldnt agree more. its the same in the Swiss league. what better way to get your best player to stand out on the ice. Now if only people could check in this league, and not get any kind of penalty, then this part of the uniform might change.

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SM-Liiga :)

I went to several games during my year in Helsinki. The coolest was probably the HIFK-HPK game I got to go to. First round playoffs, 3rd row up behind the visiting net for 2 periods. With a Canadian goaltender, I got to hear some familiar phrases in English, instead of Finnish :blink:

Here's a replica HIFK jersey:


Man, I miss Koff

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