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NFL player missing in the Gulf of Mexico

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One of them rescued, looks like a second is being picked up. Boat was anchored and a wave overturned it. All 4 had their life vests on.


I don't know any of the guys personally but this is definitely effecting many of my friends. :( I'm trying to be hopeful but it's starting to look pretty bleak for the last three. I hoping for the absolute best.

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One of them rescued, looks like a second is being picked up. Boat was anchored and a wave overturned it. All 4 had their life vests on.

Good to hear, as when I first heard about this story, no news was given on the situation.

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The loss is effecting a lot of my close friends, Will in particular. I was just told by a close friend of Will and Nick, that they found out there were only 3 life jackets and Will used a cushion from the boat so the others could use the life jackets.

It's truly a very sad story.

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Looks like more details are coming out - Schulyer is saying that the two NFLers "gave up" after 4 hrs and took off their life vests and drowned. Bleakley later on took off his life vest because he saw a light and decided to swim towards it.

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