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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sorry if this has been discussed. I gather Tackla has been bought by Vaughan but it looks like Eagle has Tackla pants. I tried pair of Sabres pro 5000 pants and loved them and want to pick up a pair of these pants but don't know where to look as the website for Tackla is down. Could someone clarify.

Thanks Sid

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I thought Tackla was part of Montreal hockey?

Montreal Hockey Co. (not Montreal Hockey) is the distributor of Tackla in the US.

If Vaughn backs out of the licensing in Canada it would be interesting to see if MHC tries to lock up the distribution up north.

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Then they'd have to find someone to make their pants up there or it's Thai versions from here on out.

I would fully expect it to be all import if it went down that way. Doubling, or more, their sales and should allow them to save some more money on production costs as well.

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Doubt this would happen. They would need a new sales force for Canada since Eagle will be retaining the reps. You can bet that the reps (Eagle) will be spreading the word about what the pants are and what patterns they follow. I think the import product would be a tough sell when it hasn't been offered/been successful (to my knowledge) in Canada. I certainly don't see them doubling their sales, especially when double of nothing is still nothing. :rolleyes:
I would fully expect it to be all import if it went down that way. Doubling, or more, their sales and should allow them to save some more money on production costs as well.

My thought was that it wouldn't take much to double sales and there are a lot of reps available. Again, it was just a "wouldn't it be interesting..." type of thoughts.

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