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Flyers Thread

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Hi Guys,

do you think maybe some Prospect Goalies can fill in and take the Job of the backup?


Johan Backlund, G

Timra IK (Sweden)


Joacim Eriksson, G

Brynas Jrs. (Sweden)



The jump from Swedish Juniors is huge. For Eriksson to have a shot at a backup slot, I'd imagine he'd have to have played for their Elite squad. Otherwise I can't imagine he's anywhere close to ready. I don't know anything about Backlund.

Anyone know if there are any solid goaltender prospects who might be available around (and a good pick at that point) when the Flyers draft this year?

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Flyers goaltending is going broad street bully style...

From CSN Philly...(click link for full story, it's pretty long)


Barring a collapse in negotiations, the Flyers are expected to sign Ray Emery as their starting goalie for next season.

Several general managers at the Stanley Cup Final consider the matter a “done deal.” Emery was Ottawa’s property until released by the Senators last June.

Flyers general manager Paul Holmgren declined to confirm what others are saying at the Cup Final.

“We’ve had conversations with his agent [J.P. Barry] about a lot of things,” Holmgren said. “But I’m not going to comment on our internal discussions of players.”

Barry told CSNPhilly.com he is confident a contract will get done.

"We have been talking several weeks now," Barry said from Calgary, Alberta. "Paul has done due diligence on Ray. I'm hopeful it will lead to a contract."

Ottawa GM Bryan Murray told CSNPhilly.com that Emery, who has a complicated off-ice history, deserves a second chance.

“Philadelphia has always had great teams, it’s a very good organization, and they certainly treat their players first class,” Murray said. “I think Ray, or whoever went there, falls into the groove a little bit. Ottawa was the same.

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so it looks like the deal on ray is just waiting for July 1st. So what would be the best option for the backup.

Maybe some who can handle the pressure when emery fails or some who don´t cost a lot in order to get Bow?


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Looks like the Flyers have scheduled an 11am press conference tomorrow to make some kind of "Major" announcement. Any bets on what that announcement is going to be?

I'm betting on it being they signed Emery, who else has a guess?

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I'm betting you're wrong, because even if they have a deal in place, they can't sign anyone until July 1st.

I have no idea what the meeting could be about...and I'm kinda nervous to hear what it might be.

EDIT - However I could be wrong.


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For $1.5M its probably worth the gamble. The guy has shown he has the talent to be successful in the NHL. If his head is on straight and he is consistent it will be a huge steal. If not, they didn't spend a ton of money and hopefully they can prevent him from completely imploding and taking the entire team down around him.

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I'm thinking (and hoping) that Emery holds it together... trying to get a bigger, better deal - back in the NHL. It's just a 1 year deal. Can always bury him in the minors if he implodes, can't they?

I can't imagine that they're looking to resign Biron now, unless it's for a really big pay cut. Don't see it happening. I liked Biron, I just don't think he's more than a 1A.

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I agree that it's worth the gamble. I watched the press conference and he said all the right things about the mistakes he's made and how he truly appreciates the opportunity. Only time will tell.

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I actually don't think its a horrible idea. He's obviously been playing well over in Russia and he was very good for the US during the World Championships. I look at him and Emery as very similar, both have the talent to be top notch goalies, they just have to have their head's screwed on right. Plus Esche, like Emery, would be cheap, given their cap situation and the potential for at least one of them to have a good year, it may be an optimal solution.

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yes i agree with you. I think his stats have been good so far: Esche, a Whitesboro, New York native, posted a 21-14 record, with a 1.87 goals against average and .912 save percentage, along with nine shutouts in his 2008-09 campaign in Russia.

I know the KHL isn´t the same as the NHL but i think he´s stats are promising.


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This may be nuts, but what do you think of the Flyers trading JVR for a prospect goalie with some upside? Bernier from the Kings comes to mind, since they have Quick and Ersberg. I don't know a heck of a lot about either player or their upside, really.

I also wonder why I never heard anything about the Flyers being in the mix for Thiessen (G) from Northeastern who was available as a free agent. Seems like they missed a good chance there. I think the Rangers may have inked him instead.

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There's been reports the Flyers are interested in Jonas Gustavsson, so there's another goalie possibility.

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Thiessen went to Pittsburgh.

I'm not too heavy on trading JVR just yet. He's had what, four games of pro hockey experience under his belt? And mind you, these games were with the Phantoms. This kid is being slowly developed and if they're going to be this patient with him, I think they should keep him until he plays at least one year in the pros. Until he can prove what he's worth, I don't like it. Look what happened with Forsberg. Traded him as a young kid, and he went on to become a superstar. I'm not saying JVR is the next Foppa, but I'm anxious to see what he's capable of. I think they have better trade bait than him.

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Thanks for the correction on Theissen to Pittsburgh... like they needed more.

It makes sense that they Flyers would be in the mix for Gustavsson, but I haven't heard much along those lines.... I hope it's true.

As far as trading JVR, I really don't want to, either... but if it means getting someone who could be a legit long-term fix in net, it might be worth it. For anything else, I totally agree with holding on to him and seeing what we've got. Of course I'd rather see 'em get that without giving up JVR too (like the Gustavsson option, maybe).

Anyway, far from a GM... think I'll have to go back to work tomorrow. I just wish I could hear some truly good news on the goaltending front. I hope Emery works out, but I can't be anything more than cautiously optimistic.

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I would be absolutely shocked if they went and traded Van Riemsdyk now or any time in the near future. Let's remember, the kid is barely 20 years old. I know he was a #2 overall pick, but not every top 2 pick is a Crosby or Ovechkin and ready to jump into the NHL right away. Especially when you're talking about a tall, skinny kid who clearly needs to add some muscle mass to be able to be a consistent NHLer.

I haven't had the chance to see Van Riemsdyk play much in college, but I have seen a couple games and I do have some concerns. The biggest one of which is that he seems to just take nights off. There were a couple games I watched him play where it looked like he wasn't particularly interested in doing the tough, physical things that he's going to need to do if he's going to play the power forward roll. For all I know he could have been sick or hurt those nights, so I'm willing to give him a pass on those since its only been a couple games, not a significant number. I've also heard some rumors that his work habits, both at practice and off the ice leave something to be desired. By no means am I trying to trash the kid, I'm just stating some things I have observed and some rumors I have heard. I would hope that my observations are wrong and the rumors aren't true, but if they are correct, there could be a big problem.

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Hi Guys

i also would say it´s too early to say he´s going to be good or not. I would not trade him just let him take his time and see what will happen.

What you think about a possible trade for JayBow. What he´s worth?

Thanks guys


Have a nice weekend

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