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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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After just getting back into the game, my old stuff didnt fit. I had a TPS R2 and loved it, but after searching I could not find one....what is the equivelent to an R2 in terms of todays OPS?

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R2 shaft or R2 OPS? If it was the OPS, anything in the $79+ range should be more than equal

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Or find Chadd's secret vault containing truckloads of R2's. I believe the secret bunker location is more well protected than Ft. Knox.

Actually mine are mostly R2 XN10s, though I do have a few Response OPS that were pulled or cut into R2 equivalent shafts.

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R2s aren't THAT hard to get. I think a PIAS around me has one, if I'm in the area I will snap it up and let you know.

R2XN10s are harder to come by, I have three and I wouldn't sell any of them for twice what I paid.

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R2s aren't THAT hard to get.

I haven't even seen one since the last one I sold here.

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I never used an R2 but wouldnt a previous gen R8 shaft be comparable?

Actually I think the old yellow R2 is better than the original R8

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Since I'm also looking for some tps stuff, I didn't think this warranted a new topic:

Does anybody know a online store that sells R8 composite taper replacement blades (afinogenov - left)?

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