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CCHA Hockey team Budget

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I apologize for going off on a tangent, but that CNBC article just typifies my frustration with the current state of the media and internet/blogosphere. If you are going to criticize a program for spending more, make the fucking effort to justify that opinion. Breakdown the numbers and the facts. Do they link to the Equity in Sports? Of course not, why should they? But Darren Rovel does give you the link to an equally useless NYT article. THANK GOD FOR THAT! GO FORBID ONE OF THESE ULTRA-LIBERAL PINKO COMMUNIST FUCKS OR RIGHT WING NEO-FASCIST CONSERVATIVE SHITS EVER PRESENT A STRAIGHT FORWARD PRESENTATION OF THE FACTS!!!!

Sorry about that...you can move on now....

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That could be just the equipment budget. Stick and skate costs have gone through the roof in the last 10 years.

That is definately not their equipment budget. Minnesota doesn't spend anywhere near that for their men's equipment budget.

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I just looked at that site for U of M's budget. It says that Minnesota spends more on womens BB than mens ice hockey and nearly double on mens BB than mens hockey.I would say that there are some significant costs that don't figure into the equation. I would like to see what costs go where as far as the budget goes. And the softball team costs about the same as the womens hockey team???

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I just looked at that site for U of M's budget. It says that Minnesota spends more on womens BB than mens ice hockey and nearly double on mens BB than mens hockey.I would say that there are some significant costs that don't figure into the equation. I would like to see what costs go where as far as the budget goes. And the softball team costs about the same as the womens hockey team???

I'm guessing travel budgets have something to do with that.

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Does the U of MN even pay for their gear? Or are they given gear by NBH etc? I'm pretty sure the women's softball and men's/women's bball travel budgets are much, much higher given the number of games played as well. Also, the softball/baseball teams travel for periods of time to warmer areas such as FL or TX early in the season and the basketball teams tend to play in holiday tournaments in far off locales along with the regular season travel. The Gopher men's hockey team probably just takes a bus to places like Duluth, St. Cloud, Mankato, Madison or Grand Forks for WCHA games. I'm assuming they fly when they play in Alaska or up in the UP area of Michigan or games against CCHA or HE teams along with WCHA teams like Colorado College and Denver U.

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Does the U of MN even pay for their gear? Or are they given gear by NBH etc? I'm pretty sure the women's softball and men's/women's bball travel budgets are much, much higher given the number of games played as well. Also, the softball/baseball teams travel for periods of time to warmer areas such as FL or TX early in the season and the basketball teams tend to play in holiday tournaments in far off locales along with the regular season travel. The Gopher men's hockey team probably just takes a bus to places like Duluth, St. Cloud, Mankato, Madison or Grand Forks for WCHA games. I'm assuming they fly when they play in Alaska or up in the UP area of Michigan or games against CCHA or HE teams along with WCHA teams like Colorado College and Denver U.

They do pay for their gear. NBH gives a "credit" amount but that gets used up pretty quickly.

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