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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Charging for skate sizing

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We've noticed a trend the past couple years that were truely not starting to like. We're getting more people walking through our doors looking to just "try on" and see what skates are out there. Obviously we all know most of these people then turn around and go internet shopping after taking up my time and knowledge. So I'm thinking of implementing a very simple policy, we will begin to charge a $20 fee for trying on and fitting hockey skates. If you purchase the skates in our store you will be given a $20 credit. It sucks its come to that and i really dont know why people think their getting a better deal online. We charge more to sharpen skates bought elsewhere, we charge more to heat skates bought elsewhere, and i laugh when people have problems with skates purchased elsewhere. In the end we have cheaper prices then all the internet sites, best customer service in the area, and a extremely knowlegable staff. Dont get me wrong we have a large following of regulars who continue to do business with us year in and year out but im just noticing more new faces, some coming in and buying from us, others just using us for our info! I think charging this fee is the only way to make it worth my time and yours!

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Sounds like a good idea to me. I can't even bring myself to try on skates at a store unless I have the money on me to buy them right then and there. Just drop $20 off the price of the skate if they buy them in-store.

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I say go for it. Also add that if you don't have the correct size in store, then the credit is extended if they order the skates from you.

There should be more LHS that institute this policy. Especially when they begin the process by saying, "I'm not buying anything today, I just want to see how they fit."

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The only problem that I can foresee is if you don't carry a specific skate, so for example if someone did go to another store and liked the fit of a Graf skate that you dont carry, but wanted to try on a CCM that the other shop didnt carry. You may lose a few customers to that, but the customers that you would gain should make up for that. I would imagine most people would end up buying the skates from you after paying 20 bucks to get them fitted.

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One of the few LHS down here in Houston that does quality skate fitting has a similar policy. They charge a $25.00 boot fitting fee that is credited towards your skate purchase. Their prices are right there with online retailers as well... and when you add in the cost of shipping, sharpening, heat molding... it can't be beat. Seems very reasonable to me.

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Were a full line dealer and carry every major brand and model so theres no need for our customers to have to go anywhere else. I almost feel like turning around when i hear customers say, "We're just looking today and trying to get sized up for the upcoming season"... I usually translate that as, "Hi, im here to waste your time, not spend any money here, and at the end of the day bring my business to a online store!" Obviously now is the slow season so might wait until July or August to begin this new policy. Thatll give me some time to make some nice signs for all customers to see when they walk in our skate room!! :)

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I think you should definately do it. Its not unreasonable and if they buy from you they are not losing any money, plus it adds 20 bucks to their online purchase if they want to actually try it on first which may make them less likely to buy online.

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I generally like the policy, but I wonder about what happens in one situation. Lets say someone bought One95's a year ago but they want to come in and try on X:60's to see what they feel like. They have no intention of buying online or using your information, if they like the X:60's they'll buy from you, if not they won't. After trying on X:60's they decide they like the feel of their One95's better so they decide not to buy the X:60's. Now they're out $20 because they wanted to see what a skate feels like. I'm just not sure how that goes over with someone who is genuinely shopping but at the end of the day decides they're going to stick with what they already have. They're basically stuck paying the store $20 to see if they like a skate or not. I freely admit this is probably a fairly rare situation, much more rare than using an LHS for sizing and buying online, but it is a possibility.

And before anyone jumps down my throat about using LHS's please note that I've bought every pair of skates I've ever owned through an LHS.

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In that situation i'd pretty much let that customer browse around and try the skates on himself. Im pretty much gearing this policy towards customers who walk in and directly ask for our help and advice on sizing skates. Most of our skates are out on display so they'd be free to grab and try on whatever pair they like. Most people walk in to our store knowing their either A) buying a pair of skates today B) just browsing C) using our advice and stock to get sized properly and buy elsewhere

So for A and C i would charge $20 but credit A at the end of the sale

For B i'd let them rome freely and do as they wish

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That sounds about right. There is a difference between fitting and going to the back just to grab a pair or two for someone to try on themselves.

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CT stands for Connecticut in my username not Cyclone Taylors like a few have mentioned in other posts. Im sure their great people but just wanted to clear that up

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What is your shop doing to show customers the value in buying from your store instead of online?

Flat out compare the prices with the big websites. I always see lhs proponents claim how its a better value to buy in store. So show your customers. Right on the price tag if you must. Store price. Hockey Monkey price + sharpening + baking + shipping + return shipping to get the right size + tax (if applicable). Show people how its cheaper.

Most customers are going to expect a B&M store to be more expensive (why else would they say they are just browsing, then go buy online). You gotta give them a reason to stick local. If you can't match on price, you gotta bridge that gap with service. Fitting may not be enough. You might have to throw in some free sharpenings or something. Those free sharpenings may not be making you money, but its still getting the customer in your shop at least one a month. Sooner or later they are going to need other things. Since they are already at your shop, I'd bet they'd be far more likley to buy their gear there than online.

Of course, I might have it all wrong, since I write this strictly from a consumer prospective.

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My local shop has been pretty good to me and I give them first crack at every purchase and end up buying from them 98% of the time. However, on the occasions where I have mentioned the online price they have never once tried to sell me on the pros of buying from them. One time even pissing me off so much that I bought online just to spite them.

Just playing some devils advocate here.

Don't stop at skate, why not just make it a shop wide policy? What about the guy you spent 20 minutes with looking for the right glove or the proper fitting pants only to see him walk out? One could argue, charging for a fitting is actually charging for customer service. In turn making people pay for the one thing other than price that separates the LHS from the online retailer.

I'd rather have the shop educate me on the actual difference.

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Online store prices are always higher then ours. They are required by each company to not advertise below a certain price. I know for a fact our mark up is less then theres as we have less overhead. We dont spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on magazine ads or have the costs of running a online site. Were a first line dealer just like they are. I usually explain to customers when they buy a product from us their not only getting the product but also the service and support to go along with that product. If it breaks or has something wrong with it i will take the time and make the effort to make it right for them. When someone brings something in they purchased online, i first kinda laugh, and then secondly make up a rediculous price to help solve their problem.

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If you charge me 20$ to try on some skates in your store, I will never purchase anything from you ever. Just find a way to make yourself more appealing than an online store period.

Online store prices are always higher then ours. They are required by each company to not advertise below a certain price. I know for a fact our mark up is less then theres as we have less overhead. We dont spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on magazine ads or have the costs of running a online site. Were a first line dealer just like they are. I usually explain to customers when they buy a product from us their not only getting the product but also the service and support to go along with that product. If it breaks or has something wrong with it i will take the time and make the effort to make it right for them. When someone brings something in they purchased online, i first kinda laugh, and then secondly make up a rediculous price to help solve their problem.

How do you know they bought it online, you just assume coz they didn't buy it at your store???

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I would charge you $20 for trying on skates and not buying them from me, if you did buy them at my store the credit is applied to your sale so your paying nothing for trying them on. I dont know if someone bought it online or somewhere else but either way its the same thing. Whether you bought it online or from another LHS why should it be my problem to help you solve the problem your having. Im refering generally to new products where something is under warranty or where the customer is having a problem with the fit of something they bought somewhere else.

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When someone brings something in they purchased online, i first kinda laugh, and then secondly make up a rediculous price to help solve their problem.

When they walk out, you've now lost two sales.

There is a decent ski shop right down the street from where my buddy lives. He brought his skis in to be tuned up before a trip. They refused to do it because he didn't buy them from them (even said, why don't you bring them back to where you got them). He never went back and since that day I've never spent more than $20 there. Sad part is, both of us spent a good deal of cash there in the past.

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just a quick post before my battery dies here.

as others have said there is a fine line between enticing sales and putting potential buyers off.

i think the solution is to ask the person the open-ended questions : what are you looking for, what's your budget, when are you planning on buying (ie today) and how will you be paying.

i was in a music store to try out guitars. the sales guy asked me these questions, helped me distill down what i wanted. i ended up buying 2 guitars instead of one, saved some money doing it. the service was great and it was helpful to try it them all out.

you might open with - "your skates are the most important pce of equipment you can own and your decision to buy takes time - how much time do you have at the moment and are you looking to buy today?"

i think qualification is important v.s. putting up "boiler plate"

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I dont know if someone bought it online or somewhere else but either way its the same thing. Whether you bought it online or from another LHS why should it be my problem to help you solve the problem your having. Im refering generally to new products where something is under warranty or where the customer is having a problem with the fit of something they bought somewhere else.

I would be careful thinking that way. What if someone bought a product from another LHS and didn't like the service they received, heard good things about your shop and wanted to try you out? Granted the issue isn't yours but providing a solid solution may just gain you a customer for life.

Also I had an issue with a skate while out of town for a tournament. The shop there helped me out and was great even though they didn't have to. I made sure I told everyone how great they treated me so they did see a small amount of business from my teammates that weekend.

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If you charge me 20$ to try on some skates in your store, I will never purchase anything from you ever. Just find a way to make yourself more appealing than an online store period.
Online store prices are always higher then ours. They are required by each company to not advertise below a certain price. I know for a fact our mark up is less then theres as we have less overhead. We dont spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on magazine ads or have the costs of running a online site. Were a first line dealer just like they are. I usually explain to customers when they buy a product from us their not only getting the product but also the service and support to go along with that product. If it breaks or has something wrong with it i will take the time and make the effort to make it right for them. When someone brings something in they purchased online, i first kinda laugh, and then secondly make up a rediculous price to help solve their problem.

How do you know they bought it online, you just assume coz they didn't buy it at your store???

Again, he wasn't planning on charging someone for trying on a pair of skates. You can probably try on all you want, on your own, but when you start taking his time then he is going to ask for $20 for the effort.

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Online store prices are always higher then ours...I usually explain to customers when they buy a product from us their not only getting the product but also the service and support to go along with that product. If it breaks or has something wrong with it i will take the time and make the effort to make it right for them.

If your guys have the cheapest price plus the service to back it up, what in the world are you guys doing that is driving off your customers? Are you laughing at your customers when they sprout off bad information? Are you badmouthing other stores? Its gotta be something.

Seems to me that if you can't win their business with the best price and service, a fitting fee certainly isn't going to help your cause. Outside of offering the best price and good service, what else can you do?

When someone brings something in they purchased online, i first kinda laugh, and then secondly make up a rediculous price to help solve their problem.

Why not just treat your customers with some respect and help them with their problem. They came to your shop, they obviously want to make use of your service. No need to laugh at them because of where they bought their gear. Do you offer a repair service or not? If you do, fix the skates, charge what you charge, and be done with it. If you don't offer such a service, tell them so, and be done with them. Or tell them that you only offer repair services to customers who bought their skates at your store.

It might not be your problem, but for whatever reason, they brought their stuff to you. Maybe its cause you are the best place in town. Maybe its on a recommendation. Maybe its desperation. In any event, they brought it to you to give you business. Why not go the extra mile and fix their problem, charge them appropriately, and thank them for their business. Maybe you'd retain more customers?

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Fact of the matter is online companies are a huge player in today's market, and they're not going away. If you "laugh at" and push all people away who shop online I could only imagine that you'd be losing a ton of business.

I am a little confused though. Your prices are lower than online, so why would someone go buy online rather than from you for the cheaper price? If I look online for a skate I like, then I'm gonna come "use you" to size me and go right back home and order the skates - the second I see you're cheaper I'd buy from you - who wouldn't?

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A lot of the people buying online are buying closeouts, you will not convert them into customers.

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