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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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It is the cataletic converter, muffler or exhaust manifold heat shield. Judging by the picture it looks like the exhaust manifold heat shield. Don't worry, it's not exactly a necessary part. If you're really worried about it have it checked out by a mechanic.

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Depends on the car if it needs to be put back. Older Chevy's had an issue with the heat from the exhaust manifold locking up the starter.

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Definitely a heat shield. I would put it back because they are for a reason. It really shouldn't cost much money especially since it doesn't look damaged so it should just bolt back on.

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I concur on the heat shield. Looks like exhaust manifold to me. If your exhaust manifold is near anything rubber or plastic, I'd have it replaced.

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thanks guys, so why would all the bolts have come loose? just driving i guess?

EDIT: my car is a nissan sentra gxe...if that makes any difference.

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thanks guys, so why would all the bolts have come loose? just driving i guess?

EDIT: my car is a nissan sentra gxe...if that makes any difference.

It's the heat shield that bolts to the collector joint on your exhaust manifold. It fell off because all bolts that hold it in place rusted, broke from engine vibration and fell off. Good news is that you don't need to replace it. No aftermarket manifold for your car even has one -- the manifold is on the front of the engine and the collector (where that heat shield fell off) is underneath the transmission and not near any rubber parts.

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