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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Song stuck in your head while playing!?

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hmm Rock N' Roll Train by ACDC tends to get stuck in there a lot, although with the season that we had Don't Stop Believin' should have been :P and we always used to listen to techno before games ( I wasn't a fan until I started hearing it before every game ) and we always listened to this time by DJ Antoine

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There is a song by Bayside called Devotion and Desire and for some reason I always get it stuck in my head when I hear it. I don't really even like the song. Anyways every time my buddy score keeps my games he plays that song just to piss me off and get it stuck in my head.

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In my head and into my mouth. When I get in the zone soometimes you can hear me singing as I skate by

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Seizure of Power by Manson from the Resident Evil soundtrack.

So metal. It's like a seek and destroy mentality.

Must. Eliminate. Target.

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the past couple drop-ins mine has been that theme song from when NHL was on ESPN. really catchy tune.

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Since the season is over for me I've started playing golf again. That's where it is really killing me. I will get a song stuck in my head for the whole round and it will drive me nuts.

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