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Wrist Injury

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I broke my Scaphoid bone 7 years ago and had it re-constructed and its been fine ever since, however i don't think it was effected. When i broke this bone i could barely move it.

In Semi finals a month ago i jammed it during my follow-through from a wrist shot. I played the rest of the game it hurt a bit, then i played the next day and it still hurt a bit. Went to work the next week (im an electrician) then played the next weekend and taped it. During the game it hurt a bit but i was still able to play but my shots might of been a little weaker. During the first couple of weeks i was doing everything normal including lifting weights.

For the last few weeks i have been on light duty and i haven't played hockey in a month (because its the end of the season) however spring hockey is starting up also.

2 weeks ago i asked my doctor (actually saw 2 doctors), and they both said its a sprain so i should just take it easy. I have been wearing a wrist brace pretty much all of the time. I went back to the doctor today and went for an xray and im also going to go see my old Orthopedic doctor that did my wrist before.

I have been taking ibuprofen and occasionally icing it, but im a bit worried at what im looking at. Its going to take months to see the specialist and i have to go to work because its my career, i can still work fine i just don't want this injury to be permanent.

any feedback would be great, i really want to play spring here and im thinking a wrist brace during hockey would work well.

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From what my physio therapist told me, the only thing you can do if you want to keep playing with a bum wrist is to tape it up. All other wrist braces will really prevent you from doing anything except keep it straight.

I thought I broke my wrist as well when I fell on it, but ice and tylenol/advil for a good 2 weeks did the trick for me.

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I was going to get a single wrap neoprene one, felt like it had just enough movement to play but also kept it tight and secure.

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Get some medical tape and that brown spongey tape. It'll work better than that neoprene case of yours, and it'll save money too !

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I've sprained my wrists more times than I can count... The only way for them to heal is rest and time. If you can stomach it, take some time off from hockey until it feels normal. Should be two weeks at the most with rest.

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Well since the season actually ended its been 4 weeks (5 weeks since injury) and spring hockey just started this week. Ive been on light duties the last couple weeks but it hasn't really gone away completely. I think the end might be in sights, ive been babying it alot lately and still icing it with ibuprofen.

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Any specific way to tape the wrist? Or just a general snug, but not too snug tape job over the wrist area. I was going for a poke check and my stick got caught up in someones skate. My wrist went too far on the pinkie side ( ulna).


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Wrist injuries are horrible... I tore a ligament in one of my wrists playing golf and the damn thing will still occasionally just lock up on me.

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strenghtening wrists is a key for me for injury prevention - wrist curls + gripper help immensly when done fairly regularly - 20+ reps initially to strengthen the tendons, progress to 10 or so reps later for the overall strength.

otherwise I used to get tendonitis & constant inflamation in my wrists from all the stickhandling I've been practicing

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strenghtening wrists is a key for me for injury prevention - wrist curls + gripper help immensly when done fairly regularly - 20+ reps initially to strengthen the tendons, progress to 10 or so reps later for the overall strength.

otherwise I used to get tendonitis & constant inflamation in my wrists from all the stickhandling I've been practicing

What exercises are these and they helped keep tendonitis and inflamation away? If you could post more info on this I'd be grateful.

I imagine your shot got better from this also?

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Yeah i would like to know which wrist exercise are good for wrist injury prevention.

I am probably going to physio soon, but i would always start early.

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Yeah i would like to know which wrist exercise are good for wrist injury prevention.

I am probably going to physio soon, but i would always start early.

Sorry to hear about your injury. Not a great idea for you to start strengthening exercises at this point given your wrist is injured. You should physical therapy exercises and as you said your going soon, so I would hold off on any strengthening now.

Also, I see that you mentioned you've been icing the wrist which is pretty much a no no. The general rules are that ice it within a few hours of an injury and then use heat therapy thereafter. Only continue to ice if your injury is red, hot, and swollen. Also, join pain and injuries respond really well to heat therapy, icing a non-inflammed joint, days after an injury will only make it stiffer, it may help releive pain for a little while, but thats only because it makes the area a little numb. Good luck and lmk if you have any more questions!

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strenghtening wrists is a key for me for injury prevention - wrist curls + gripper help immensly when done fairly regularly - 20+ reps initially to strengthen the tendons, progress to 10 or so reps later for the overall strength.

otherwise I used to get tendonitis & constant inflamation in my wrists from all the stickhandling I've been practicing

What exercises are these and they helped keep tendonitis and inflamation away? If you could post more info on this I'd be grateful.

I imagine your shot got better from this also?

sorry for the delay - the exercises have already been discussed quite a few times here - nothing magic: wrist curls with barbell (both ways), grippers

re this comment: "Not a great idea for you to start strengthening exercises at this point given your wrist is injured." - completely agree on the strengthening part.

it's important to note though that what I talked about was 20+ reps for starters which isn't strengthening mode - it just pumps blood in the areas/tendons that are normally aren't normally supplied with a lot of it

for me personally it helped avoid operation when I've got dequarius (spelling) tendonitis in my wrist (to a point I couldn't even move me wrist without much pain), was referred to a "specialist" who suggested to "open it up, and scoop the bone to open up more space for the inflamed tendon" - what a dumb idea (would leave me in a cast for a few weeks + a scooped bone!

I also know what same method helped people with cronic inflamed achilis (spelling - I can't spell f.all today :) - basically long distance runners) - light (but progressive) focused exercise for very high reps.

in any case it's a LOT more efective as a preventitive measure, but also for rehab shortly (but not immediately) after injury.

the other poster was also correct re RICE method (rest,ice, compression, elevation) as effective immediately after the injury up to a couple of days (to prevent bruising, inflamation etc) - then heating should be aplied for healing & blood circulation.

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Hmm thats interesting lol. So i guess i should get a heat pad? What is the frequency of heat time?

Agree with Solarwind on what he said too. Basically don't do any of the strengthening for a while until your completely healed up, otherwise your wrist will flair up again.

And in terms of heating, you should use a heat pack/pad and heat it as directed. Then apply to wrist for about 15-20 minutes. If its too hot, wrap it in a slightly damp towel. And as far as frequency goes, try doing it once a day especially at times when your wrist feels tight. Let us know how it goes!

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I have repeated wrist problems due to drumming, and occasionally I have to wear a wrist wrap (I use the Ace velcro wrist wraps). Lately my right wrist has been really sore and weak after a tourney and I've been wrapping quite a bit.

I'll try the heat pad thing, hopefully that helps.

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I have repeated wrist problems due to drumming, and occasionally I have to wear a wrist wrap (I use the Ace velcro wrist wraps). Lately my right wrist has been really sore and weak after a tourney and I've been wrapping quite a bit.

I'll try the heat pad thing, hopefully that helps.

Sorry to hear about your wrist problem too. Hopefully the heat pad will help. LMK how it goes.

Also, in regards to wrapping your wrist, its def a good idea to wrap it after an acute injury (few days after injury) but be sure to avoid wrapping it for extended periods of time as this will lead to slight atrophy (weakening) of your forearm muscles which will make you more prone to injury down the line. After the ininitial injury, its best to wrap it during play if the wrist bothers you. Also, if you aggravate it throughout the day, your better off wrapping it at night. And finally if you have access to a "wrist cock splint" that is the best thing to wear at night. It basically keeps your wrist in a slightly cocked or dorsiflexed position which will help it heal better. Here is a sample picture of a wrist cock splint if you've never seen one before: http://www.deluxecomfort.com/image/order_1_918.jpg

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Yeah i have been wearing the "wrist cock splint" when im just sitting at home or sleeping. Thats for the last month so i guess atleast im doing something right lol.

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Yeah i have been wearing the "wrist cock splint" when im just sitting at home or sleeping. Thats for the last month so i guess atleast im doing something right lol.

Strong work :) Let me know how the wrist progresses...

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I only wear it when it's giving me trouble and only when doing strenuous activity. Probably only had to do it half a dozen times in the last eight years or so. Hopefully the heat pad speeds up the recovery!

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