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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tomcat bravo

Vapor XXX gloves

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Does anyone know what happened to these gloves, they were my favorite gloves. Only place I could find them was the hockey shop but i didnt like the colors. Also how much different is the the Draper curve compared to the Federov? Not a stick curve freak but is it a huge change? Thanks

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Are you wondering about the gloves? or sticks?

Gloves don't come in curves.

either way, they were discontinued when they came out with the XXXXs (sticks and gloves)

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I just bought a pair of Ebay. Prostock NH Wildcats colors. I think the seller was TSR Sports from Salem, NH. They had a bunch of different colors. (Team USA, Team Canada, and a couple of pro teams)

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Theres a couple XXX gloves at one of the stores near me in Mighty Ducks colors, Minnesota colors, and navy

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Really, but in the meantime you might want to take a look at these http://www.hockeyworld.com/prodHome.ihtml?...D=55&shop=1 a friend of mine has them and he likes them, i tried them on and wasn't particularly thrilled with them, but then again didn't hate them. I didn't try on the XXX but from what my friend says they were pretty similar, I don't know what the tweak was that they made to them but I think it was some form of downgrade.

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There is a pair of pro return Leafs ones on ebay... if you dont' mind it having "E. Lindros" on the cuff :)

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oop sorry Hockey Live at Vaughan Mills just outside of Toronto, Ontario

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Drewhunz has a pair of Wild 15" XXXs that he is selling.

Otherwise TSR has some.

The original XXX came with a replacement palm, they went to a more durable palm and stopped including the replacement palm.

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