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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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PS3 has a blu-ray player. Game, set, match.

(Unless you have a blu-ray player already...in which case PS3 still wins, but it's less of a landslide).

And only if you want a blu-ray player. Personally I prefer the 360 over PS3 because I already have a 5 disc surround sound dvd player and the PS3 was more expensive. This argument, much like the pc v.s. mac, will never be decided. But if apple came out with a gaming system, I'd be all over it...lol

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Taking it wide and passing it across the crease works every single time . I'm sure they will fix it by having the goalie poke check it eventually though .

I've been doing that a lot since I got the game. I do love cycling it around in the zone to get a sweet point shot more though

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I'm surprised the gear whores haven't addded this yet... Anyone notice the Kane One95 uses Easton curves? Come on now EA Sports, you really should have got this bit right, it's even got Kane's name on it, why not his curve?

Noticed this too haha. What curves and skate radius do you guys use?

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this thread alone is making me consider going out and buying a console to play this game.

if i were to go and commit, which system has the best bang for buck... PS3 or Xbox?

PS3 - $299 :

Built-in wifi, free online, blu-ray player, reliable, bluetooth, upgradable harddrives (standard 2.5" laptop harddrive).

X360 - $229-$329:

More popular, can be had for cheaper, red rings of death (had to replace my 360 twice before I decided to go PS3), more people online, wi-fi adapter separate, bigger online store with more frequent updates, have to pay to play online, copy games to hdd (pretty handy I guess)

I say PS3 but that's my opinion

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I'm surprised the gear whores haven't addded this yet... Anyone notice the Kane One95 uses Easton curves? Come on now EA Sports, you really should have got this bit right, it's even got Kane's name on it, why not his curve?

Noticed this too haha. What curves and skate radius do you guys use?

Standard Flex (if you look at the ratings, there is honestly no reason to use any other flex in game. That's always confused me)

Gaborik Curve (or Top Left shot curve) <- Might change this cause my forward is constantly shooting over the net lol

13" Radius.

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I'm surprised the gear whores haven't addded this yet... Anyone notice the Kane One95 uses Easton curves? Come on now EA Sports, you really should have got this bit right, it's even got Kane's name on it, why not his curve?

Noticed this too haha. What curves and skate radius do you guys use?

i use the toe curve ones, prolly switch to the one under to get a bit more "power"....last year i used the mildest ones, but this year the difference isn't as bad and i always skate on the 13'

edit: PS3 all the way :D

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Does anyone else just hate creating a player on this game. I don't mind the Be a Pro mode. I just hate having to make a player. Its such a pain

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this thread alone is making me consider going out and buying a console to play this game.

if i were to go and commit, which system has the best bang for buck... PS3 or Xbox?

PS3 - $299 :

Built-in wifi, free online, blu-ray player, reliable, bluetooth, upgradable harddrives (standard 2.5" laptop harddrive).

X360 - $229-$329:

More popular, can be had for cheaper, red rings of death (had to replace my 360 twice before I decided to go PS3), more people online, wi-fi adapter separate, bigger online store with more frequent updates, have to pay to play online, copy games to hdd (pretty handy I guess)

I say PS3 but that's my opinion

sounds like the choice is clear.

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Two of my favorite things about the 360 are the controller (much, much, much more comfortable in my opinion, and I was a PSX and PS2 guy) and Netflix (my parents have it so I get to watch free movies whenever I want online). The price was also $100 less at the time. I do wish it had the Wi-Fi built in, and it does kind of suck paying $60 a year to get online (even though I don't play much). Blu-Ray was not a priority because I have a cheap LCD TV and it's not as nice looking as one of the higher quality models. And the upgraded (Jasper) 360's have the RROD fixed.

But if I were buying one right now, it'd be a really tough choice. If you're an occasional gamer who watches more movies, I'd go PS3, and if you're a frequent gamer who plays online, I'd go 360.

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this thread alone is making me consider going out and buying a console to play this game.

if i were to go and commit, which system has the best bang for buck... PS3 or Xbox?

PS3 - $299 :

Built-in wifi, free online, blu-ray player, reliable, bluetooth, upgradable harddrives (standard 2.5" laptop harddrive).

X360 - $229-$329:

More popular, can be had for cheaper, red rings of death (had to replace my 360 twice before I decided to go PS3), more people online, wi-fi adapter separate, bigger online store with more frequent updates, have to pay to play online, copy games to hdd (pretty handy I guess)

I say PS3 but that's my opinion

sounds like the choice is clear.

I think the best and most simple way to look at it is:

1. Which exclusives do you prefer? Example Halo or Gran Turismo?

2. If you play online, which is the console most of your friends have?

If you dont plan on using the blu-ray (or dont have a 1080p tv to make use of it anyway) then looking into it any more than those two issues is overkill. That's just my opinion but the issue has been discusses in numerous other threads (particularly in the "Miscellaneous Discussion" section.

Hope this helps.

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PS3 - $299 :

Built-in wifi, free online, blu-ray player, reliable, bluetooth, upgradable harddrives (standard 2.5" laptop harddrive).

X360 - $229-$329:

More popular, can be had for cheaper, red rings of death (had to replace my 360 twice before I decided to go PS3), more people online, wi-fi adapter separate, bigger online store with more frequent updates, have to pay to play online, copy games to hdd (pretty handy I guess)

I say PS3 but that's my opinion

Vote PS3 here, I had a 360 that also Red ringed twice before I sold the "replacement" and got a PS3,

Works great for streaming blu-rays from my pc (xbox 360 cannot play .mkv files which is what blu-rays are downloaded as)

I've never actually played a blu-ray movie though, too expensive.

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I don't know if anyone can help me with this problem, but I just got NHL10 and have been trying to download the new software that it prompts you to download before the game starts so that you can play online. The problem is that whenever it starts to download it stops after 3 to 6 percent is done and say that there has been an error. There are no other problems downloading anything else with the PS3, so I thought this was a strange problem. has anyone else had this problem, and what did you do to download the new software?

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tried playing NHL 10 (demo) at my cousins house. his kids insisted i try it. now i have NHL 07/08/09 on my pc. i use an analog controller.

i tried shooting on the demo version and lasted about 5 shots and didnt know what i was doing with the joysticks. lol

i then tried to play the game (I believe the demo only has two teams) and quickly gave the control back to my nephews kids who proceeded to show me how much i sucked at this game. :P

the graphics were amazing but i quickly realized that for now, NHL 09 might be easier to play for me.

maybe when i have a few hours i will try to learn to play this game but the demo looked awesome.

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just had a be a pro game against blackhawks, up 4-1, hit seabrook and got a misconduct penalty (<- anybody else get one?), now they've come back 6-4 <_< and worst part of it...i can't skip i have the watch the entire thing in the penalty box, so freakin scripted lol

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I can score two unscreened goals from the point with my defenseman in Be a Pro, but I can't buy a frickin goal with my 'sniper' left wing. Frustrating...

I like the new goalie controls this year though. It makes playing goalie in Be a Pro more enjoyable I think. Except for when I give up 9 goals on 10 shots.

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Sean Avery has gotten 3 Gamers for boarding in 25 games in GM mode. I wonder if theres a personality stat they mess with, because I've also seen brashear take Game Misconducts for boarding, whereas a guy like Brandon dubinsky does close to the same thing, only gets 2 minutes for checking from behind.

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question, are people using these booster packs that you can buy on online vs play?

im asking because it seems like i get scored on easy and i cant buy a goal, the goaltender stops every shot, i mean every shot...

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how the hell do you guys get an "A" in the team play column in be a pro...i cant get it i just get "B's" Im making good passes and i change when we have the puck in their zone.

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