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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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you dont have to move the right stick 'left/right'. You are doing it right by just pressing 'up' on the stick. just have to time it, get positioning, and it helps when the goalie is moving around not hugging the post on ya. Try skating around the goal just a bit more, and you should be able to (at least more often) put it a lil wider than just tucking it in near post.

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Does anyone else have trouble connecting online? I always get a "Game Session is No Longer Available" message. I really don't have any problems connecting with any other games though...

Any idea what would fix this nonsense?

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i need a little help i need a hdtv to play games, 42 or 46 inch, what is the best tv in lcd, no led since there too expensive to me...

slickdeals.net will help you massively. Especially with black friday approaching

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This is just an observation of mine, done over a very long time through NHL 09 and now on NHL10. I happen to notice that French Canadian players tend to cheese a little more or just play significantly more annoyingly than other players. Now I am not targeting French Canadians, I'm refering to french candians THAT PLAY Nhl 10. This isn't just my observation, my friends notice it to, and we make the effort to find out where these guys are from through their profiles and such.

It is almost uncany how this observation seems true.

In terms of things they do that I'm refering to as an anoying player, it pretty much consists of :

-Diving out for everything

-Blatant Keep away on a penalty kill

- Doing the same thing Over and over and over trying to get a goal until it works, and then keep doing it over and over

- and probally some other things that I've failed to mention since i was just thinking off the top of my head. You name it, they've done.

Just wondering if any one else has seen this pattern among those particular players?

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Nope but I've noticed a lot of americans pausing the games non stop to go get a snack...

I'm obviously joking and I doubt it's just us French Canadians being morons online. I have plenty of bad experiences on there and with people all around the world. People in general are idiots. :ph34r:

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People in general are idiots. :ph34r:

No doubt I agree with that. It's not always the french being annoying online, it just seems that it's usually that percentage of players.

I think I speak for everyone when you get the opponets that are like nice guys and play legit and it's just the biggest relief.

At least there's a few out there.

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I hate this game so much. I can't buy a goal to save my god damn life. I was pretty good at NHL 09 (no I didn't do glitch shots), but this game just owns me non-stop. I can't tell you how many times I've had the CPU tie it up in the last minute on a cross crease pass after a solid minute of them in my zone, just raping me. They play keep away everytime they're in my zone. I'm not even on superstar either.

Off-topic a bit, but I'm looking for a version of NHL 2K10 to try out. I was reading a bit on the patch they put out, and it sounds pretty decent. I liked 2K9 a fair bit actually, the presentation is way better than EA's game. I think with some tweaking the 2K series could be really good.

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I hate this game so much. I can't buy a goal to save my god damn life. I was pretty good at NHL 09 (no I didn't do glitch shots), but this game just owns me non-stop. I can't tell you how many times I've had the CPU tie it up in the last minute on a cross crease pass after a solid minute of them in my zone, just raping me. They play keep away everytime they're in my zone. I'm not even on superstar either.

Off-topic a bit, but I'm looking for a version of NHL 2K10 to try out. I was reading a bit on the patch they put out, and it sounds pretty decent. I liked 2K9 a fair bit actually, the presentation is way better than EA's game. I think with some tweaking the 2K series could be really good.

yes but the gameplay at 2k sucks, i to cant score goals at will in NHL10 but i've found that if im sharper with my play, i can get it there...

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I hate this game so much. I can't buy a goal to save my god damn life. I was pretty good at NHL 09 (no I didn't do glitch shots), but this game just owns me non-stop. I can't tell you how many times I've had the CPU tie it up in the last minute on a cross crease pass after a solid minute of them in my zone, just raping me. They play keep away everytime they're in my zone. I'm not even on superstar either.

Off-topic a bit, but I'm looking for a version of NHL 2K10 to try out. I was reading a bit on the patch they put out, and it sounds pretty decent. I liked 2K9 a fair bit actually, the presentation is way better than EA's game. I think with some tweaking the 2K series could be really good.

yes but the gameplay at 2k sucks, i to cant score goals at will in NHL10 but i've found that if im sharper with my play, i can get it there...

With be a pro mode, or any single player mode, the best you can hope for is to just set your computers up with rebounds and crazy passess. If you guys are doing online team play and EASHL, you have a better chance of formulating strategy with your broskis. Though rebounds are still relatively prominent. There are a lot of 2-1, 1-0 games and sometimes serious blowouts, but rarely in between.

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yes but the gameplay at 2k sucks, i to cant score goals at will in NHL10 but i've found that if im sharper with my play, i can get it there...

It's not great at first, but if you play around with the sliders (like I had to do with NHL10) it can make a big difference. Supposedly the new update made the gameplay a lot better, and smoothed out the skating.

My big problem is I just cannot open up the middle of the ice at all. The CPU teams plug it up so well that all I can do is cycle on the boards, and then they knock me off the puck and take it away. It's frustrating to watch the CPU be so aggressive, and then see my AI team mates just watch the other team cycle the puck. They literally play ping pong between a winger, and he just stands there. The aggression settings are at the same levels too.

Just outshot the AI 43 to 13, and lost 3-2. Just can't seem to crack this game.

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Nope but I've noticed a lot of americans pausing the games non stop to go get a snack...

I'm obviously joking and I doubt it's just us French Canadians being morons online. I have plenty of bad experiences on there and with people all around the world. People in general are idiots. :ph34r:

So true. I've dealt with a-holes all around the world online game play. One problem thats been bugging me though is this two players against one deal in an online ranked match. Although most teams of two that play in the online ranked (im assuming two controllers) have been pretty bad, there going non stop for the cross crease goal and its been really annoying. Anyone else deal with this? Is there a way around it?

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Nope but I've noticed a lot of americans pausing the games non stop to go get a snack...

I'm obviously joking and I doubt it's just us French Canadians being morons online. I have plenty of bad experiences on there and with people all around the world. People in general are idiots. :ph34r:

So true. I've dealt with a-holes all around the world online game play. One problem thats been bugging me though is this two players against one deal in an online ranked match. Although most teams of two that play in the online ranked (im assuming two controllers) have been pretty bad, there going non stop for the cross crease goal and its been really annoying. Anyone else deal with this? Is there a way around it?

best bet is to back out when you see that have 2 people while picking teams

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Nope but I've noticed a lot of americans pausing the games non stop to go get a snack...

I'm obviously joking and I doubt it's just us French Canadians being morons online. I have plenty of bad experiences on there and with people all around the world. People in general are idiots. :ph34r:

So true. I've dealt with a-holes all around the world online game play. One problem thats been bugging me though is this two players against one deal in an online ranked match. Although most teams of two that play in the online ranked (im assuming two controllers) have been pretty bad, there going non stop for the cross crease goal and its been really annoying. Anyone else deal with this? Is there a way around it?

Nope but I've noticed a lot of americans pausing the games non stop to go get a snack...

I'm obviously joking and I doubt it's just us French Canadians being morons online. I have plenty of bad experiences on there and with people all around the world. People in general are idiots. :ph34r:

So true. I've dealt with a-holes all around the world online game play. One problem thats been bugging me though is this two players against one deal in an online ranked match. Although most teams of two that play in the online ranked (im assuming two controllers) have been pretty bad, there going non stop for the cross crease goal and its been really annoying. Anyone else deal with this? Is there a way around it?

best bet is to back out when you see that have 2 people while picking teams

Me and my friends play 2, 3 and even 4 player teams all the time online, it's more fun if we're all there playing. I never really thought of it as a competitive advantage. In 09 and 10, we're probably just a little over .500, but the majority of the time it seems like we're playing another team with multiple guys.

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I find that it's a disadvantage to play with multiple players against a single opponent. You're always on the same page with yourself, but no so much with another player. I do find alot of cross-creases passes when I play with someeone or am against a pair of players, but it catches up to them in other areas. Like not knowing who will be the puck carrier and it causing turnovers or misplays off of a face-off.

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I'm contemplating getting a system. What's the consensus here..... Xbox 360 or PS3? Mostly play sports games and action/shooter. Don't care about blu-ray as I'll pick up a separate unit for that.

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I own an Xbox 360 that just crashed and can say I was happy with it. Online gaming is the only reason Ill get another one though. I've got an EASHL team on Live and it is 100% the only reason to go back. I would suggest a PS3 if you're new to the gaming console scene. The PS3 is the best Blu-Ray system available as well, so I would suggest saving your money on a stand alone B-R player.

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