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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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Pretty much all the AI logic in Be A GM is flawed. I want more control over my trading block too. Just because I want more "defense" doesn't mean I want a bunch of offers with sub-80 overall defenseman. I've yet to get one trade offer that made me want to accept it. It's dumb too how there's superstar players sitting in free agency for two years because no other GM will sign them.

Mack, Turris is a good pick-up. I'm doing a GM mode with Phoenix remade as a Seattle team, and after 2 or 3 seasons Turris is at a 91 overall and his potential is still an A. I think he's an A- on offense, and a B on defense and athleticism. He's a total sniper and pretty good defensively as well. If he didn't get injured he would've developed even more. If you can find Hanzal for cheap, he's a good pick-up too. He only developed into a 86 overall for me, but he's a really good defensive 2nd/3rd line center with good offensive skills too.

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Nice. Other than the unrealistic FA signings of those two, I've pretty much scrapped the Ducks and started an actual rebuild. I got a good trade offer that basically got me J. Staal for Lupul and then traded age and some junkers for 2nd-round picks and started the rebuild. From previous GM seasons I knew which players had pretty good ratings and potentials so I stocked up on all that I could remember.

In terms of improvements to the GM trading, I'd still like to see a spot for the player's actual overall rating rather than the limited shit they show.

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Yeah, I would like the trade screen to show the overalls as well. It means much more to me than the games "trade value" shit. I definitely want less emphasis on young prospects next year. I think they should rework the team systems as well so that it pays to have a few veterans on your team. Right now I don't see any reason to have any old guys on my team. They should add some leadership or personality stats and have that play into your teams chemistry and play. Pick up an old vet like Weight or Guerin or Modano at the trade deadline to help for the push in the playoffs. That would be cool if they added stuff like that, or a chemistry meter for line combos.

Just checked Turris' stats. All his offensive attributes are in the 90's. His wrist shot accuracy/power is 93/96. I think that's better than Ovechkin's rating. I kind of did the same thing with my Seattle/Phoenix team. I made some moves the first year and then started dumping people. When I do teams I typically look for players that are either the same or better, but with lower salaries. If they have good potential that's even better. That way I can make a big FA deal or two. I've done pretty well in the draft too, getting a few guys that have developed into mid-80's overall. My team's pretty stacked now.

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There are myriad changes/improvements that I'd like but it's all in vain as EA apparently hasn't acknowledged the basic functions (saving) of their game are flawed. If only Tiburon could take over the franchise from the retards they currently have working on it.

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The thing that scares me is there are rumors going around that the NHL 2K series may be done for. With no competition, I can see EA's NHL turning into the hockey version of Madden; a roster update and one new feature a year.

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Well even the new feature this year, the "toughness", it's a load. I'm playing as the Wild, Boogaard is on the ice, PM Bouchard gets crosschecked after the whistle, and Boogey is just slowly gliding around the faceoff circle.

I won't be buying '11 unless there's an actual new feature that's worth having...roster updates are fine, but the AI is just going to trade them all anyway. As much sense as it makes for the Wild to sign Havlat to a 6-year deal and then trade him immediately...

Would also like for them to dump the powerups for BAP and rework the XP system.

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Ok not sure if this has come up - didn't have time to scan the whole thread. So I wanted to create a team today,use NHL players and then sub that team in for another in "Season Mode". My only problem is if you add players when you use that team in Season mode all the players are still on their normal NHL team causing you to have duplicate players. Does anyone know how to get around this?

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" or even fight you after the whistle. We've never had that before, and it's just an extension of what makes hockey so great."

That's not entirely correct. The very first version of EA Sports NHL for Sega Genesis had fighting after whistles. It could cost you an instigator as well. I loved/hated that feature. You could go after "66" or "99" and goad them into a fight between whistles. So of course when playing your buddies it was standard operating procedure to go start fights after whistles to get the best players off of the ice. Beer was on the line.

Those were the days! Open ice hits that turned the ice red! Two or three buttons max.

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Is it just me or is there a retard period when you're playing online versus? At times the AI players doing the right thing (getting and STAYING in position) and then there're times when they don't pick up the puck, skate ridiculously out of position and the goalie jumps to catch the puck at any chance he could

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Hot shit is Teemu Ahonen the man. Already up to 80+ and the best d-man I have on Anaheim.

So true. I had him a few years in New York (yeah, i picked him first overall). Hes up to an 88 and his hitting is almost 90, good at everything. I also landed Patrik Nordgren and Joey Campbell, both turned out to be 85/86ish too.

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Ahonen and T. Pollock (forget which one) in the first, then the guys you mentioned with the barrage of 2nd rd picks I traded for. Lots of talent to be had there.

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Ahonen and T. Pollock (forget which one) in the first, then the guys you mentioned with the barrage of 2nd rd picks I traded for. Lots of talent to be had there.

I scored a great deal of talent in the first draft, but after that nothing. Is it just me or is that first draft stacked? Almost all of the first round/early second turns out to have overalls of high 80's almost, yet i cant seem to find much worth in any of the other drafts.

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I've scored some decent players in the drafts after the opening one before. A few were guys with high B or A potential, so I let them sit in the AHL for a year or two if they can't get much ice time with my NHL team. I figure it's better to let them be on the 1st and 2nd lines in the AHL than the 3rd line on my NHL team. I think after 3 years I've got 4 or 5 guys that have developed into low to mid 80 overall players. My problem now is I've got too much talent, and not enough cap space.

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I'm still in the first season but my scout (not that great of one, mind you) said the next one is going to be nice. I already dumped some salary for picks at the deadline and hopefully it's not a bust draft.

The first draft is definitely stacked. I pick up a lot of 2nd rd picks because few want to deal a 1st, so I go in and I get guys in the mid-to-low-seventies with B/B- potential. Then they end up being Grinders.

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I think for me the first two drafts were the best. In the last two, I haven't gotten as many higher rated players. I still get a few with high potential though. Luckily in NHL 10 it's a lot easier for guys to develop. Last year in 09, putting them in the AHL was like death, they hardly developed at all. Now, I've had guys climb by 5 points overall after a season or two in the AHL.

Another thing I like to do is check free agency for unsigned draft picks with really high potential, and pick them up for my farm team. You can get some good role players that way, and the occasional diamond in the rough.

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I'm having an insanely hard time getting hits. I'm about a quarter of the way into my rookie season of be a pro and I've only got about 20 hits. This is a problem as being a power forward one of the mandatories is that i have 140 at the end of the season. I've tweaked the sliders and everything and I just can't ever get any hits. I maybe get 3 a game if i'm lucky, but usually just 0 or 1. I keep hitting people, and I just don't get hits for it. Any suggestions?

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I'm having an insanely hard time getting hits. I'm about a quarter of the way into my rookie season of be a pro and I've only got about 20 hits. This is a problem as being a power forward one of the mandatories is that i have 140 at the end of the season. I've tweaked the sliders and everything and I just can't ever get any hits. I maybe get 3 a game if i'm lucky, but usually just 0 or 1. I keep hitting people, and I just don't get hits for it. Any suggestions?

really? i got 100 hits in like 15 games and i was a sniper lol

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I'm having an insanely hard time getting hits. I'm about a quarter of the way into my rookie season of be a pro and I've only got about 20 hits. This is a problem as being a power forward one of the mandatories is that i have 140 at the end of the season. I've tweaked the sliders and everything and I just can't ever get any hits. I maybe get 3 a game if i'm lucky, but usually just 0 or 1. I keep hitting people, and I just don't get hits for it. Any suggestions?

Do you use left trigger at all?

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I'm having an insanely hard time getting hits. I'm about a quarter of the way into my rookie season of be a pro and I've only got about 20 hits. This is a problem as being a power forward one of the mandatories is that i have 140 at the end of the season. I've tweaked the sliders and everything and I just can't ever get any hits. I maybe get 3 a game if i'm lucky, but usually just 0 or 1. I keep hitting people, and I just don't get hits for it. Any suggestions?

Do you use left trigger at all?

No. Did I miss something in the controls?

*edit* I always use it to skate backwards. I see that it also does vision control, but I have no clue what that means, cause all it seems to do is make me go backwards.

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It's pretty useful. You use it to skate backwards, but you also use it to face the puck. So if you were going to play the left point in the offensive zone and someone gives you the puck, instead of turning right and skating, you move laterally right. It also seems to help with lining up hits. Or so I've read anyway, I use it a ton when playing without the puck.

I think you need to hit the guy while he has the puck though, "finishing your check" never seems to register as a hit.

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If you're waiting for a one timer, holding the trigger will make you shoot instead of check the nearest person to you.

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