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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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+1. I like this year's version better than the previous release. It's a love/hate relationship on how amazingly fun this game is and at the same time how the CPU can make a game a definite nail biter.

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Is there really prevalent cheese goals in this game? What are they ? I'm so fed up with people who can't maintain a sense of integrity and play the game completely clean.

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Is there really prevalent cheese goals in this game? What are they ? I'm so fed up with people who can't maintain a sense of integrity and play the game completely clean.

If you come into the zone and take a shot At the top of the circles and aim short side high almost always goes in

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I just got this game today, a week late.

A little upset that marcus johansson does not appear to be available. theres also a few minor league guys that i was hoping to have access to. Is it possible to deal with CHL players from be a gm or do i need to go into the new mode (Requres xbl doesn't it :()

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So I played this game so much yesterday I got a blister on my thumb! haha. HUT mode is a nice addition, also love playing as my spitfires! I think I already played NHL11 more times in a week then I did NHL10 in a year :P

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Is there really prevalent cheese goals in this game? What are they ? I'm so fed up with people who can't maintain a sense of integrity and play the game completely clean.

Get a player with good balance....hold the "protect button" going down the side boards. A winner is you.

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Get a player with good balance....hold the "protect button" going down the side boards. A winner is you.

how is that cheese? if someone does that, stick him on the boards and let another player help you out...

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lol @ the changes they made to the trade system

i trade chara and a 2nd round pick to edmonton for taylor hall, on his second season.

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Anyone find the passes take longer to get off your stick? I'm finding making passes infront of the net frustrating as most of them are intersepted due to the amount of time taken to make a quick pass. Face-offs take a bit of getting used to but I like the hitting. Think I'll turn up the game speed as it looks a bit slow.

The UK just got release of this game today lol. Here's hopeing they can add the Elite leauge next time

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I am having a hell of a time in the offensive zone. Every time I get in there, the d-man steals the puck from me. They lift my stick and go. When I try this I always get a hook or a slash. Is there a button these kids are pressing to make these steals beyond the stick lift button?

I cant even make a move to the inside, they just grab the puck and take off the other way, which inevitably leads to me taking a penalty, or just standing there trying to stick lift air.

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This game is a POS. The changes to the passing mechanics are pointless. If you want to load up a hard pass you are standing there too long and the puck gets stripped. Soft passes dont get through. In real life I can get off a hard pass as quick as a soft pass, if not faster. Pass aiming is all over the board, unpredictable. The hitting mechanics are screwy- the players just kind of bump around the rink like toys boats. First NHL game in a long time that I haven't enjoyed.

The demo seemed a lot more fun.

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Pass aiming can be adjusted with the Pass Assist Slider. The hold-button-to-pass can be turned off in the options as well.

Calm down and change the settings.

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while i love this game, i still feel disappointed at what they've neglected to update a little...soo many things that need improving, my no. 1 problem, the AI, stop standing around and have a winger and dman pass the puck to each other until the other team intercepts it (i only play be a pro tbh, so maybe its not as big of a problem with normal gameplay) and when your in the slot with a clear shot stop passing it to the wings where they dont have a shot, there's a lot more to go on about but :tongue: i'll stop

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I've only played it a few times. I still have an original X-Box (laugh if you must) so I'm limited to my NHL08. I've played this at a friends place. We were trying to play with 3 all on the same team. That gets confusing. 2 guys was alot easier. Passing/shooting mechanics and double Axis take some getting used to. I had a couple nice dangles and a wicked one timer (not sure what I did *L*).

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Now that I've played it quite a few times, and have gotten used to things, I think this game is great! I am looking forward to the first roster update too, as I have only made a few of the actual trades/signings/etc. I don't use the Be A Pro mode. I prefer to play the season mode, and always do the actual "real life" transactions. I haven't started my season yet, but have played many games (a few online too - last one I got lit up 9-0!). I think my connection was lagging as my daughter was playing (Webkinz or something) online at the same time. I am in the middle of a playoff series though right now, and again, it's great! My Windsor Spitifres beat Erie 4-1 in round, now I have to win 2 straight as I trail Guelph 3-2. :)

I am wondering if the "computer" AI adapts to the way you play, as I notice now that a lot of the plays I was using to score are now being broken up. If so, that's a really good feature to have, as this is something that does happen during a series.

Overall - the more I play it, the better I like it. I don't expect to run the table in a playoff series (although with Windsor - it should be entirely possible!). I don't expect to win every game, fight, puck battle, etc. - what fun would that be? I enjoy a challenge - and that goes for all PS3 games (and I could recommend a few dandy titles!). As I mentioned in another post, the addition of CHL leagues/teams is the best added feature in my opinion. Sure the NCAA and it's backers probably don't like it (not that the CHL isn't winning the battle for elite talent anyways) - but to have the world's premier development league in a game like this - can't beat it - especially to have the players names/faces.

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I am wondering if the "computer" AI adapts to the way you play, as I notice now that a lot of the plays I was using to score are now being broken up. If so, that's a really good feature to have, as this is something that does happen during a series.

I am noticing that too, I think it must, cause when I started HUT I would use the puck-to-skate move and score with it, now they hit me hard lol. But you're right a good feature to have as I'd most likely get bored of the game quickly.

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Once again, in the settings there is a slider for AI Learning. Yes they do learn the plays you execute constantly and attempt to break them up.

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Once again, in the settings there is a slider for AI Learning. Yes they do learn the plays you execute constantly and attempt to break them up.

i don't wanna fix it, i think it's good

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I am having a hell of a time in the offensive zone. Every time I get in there, the d-man steals the puck from me. They lift my stick and go. When I try this I always get a hook or a slash. Is there a button these kids are pressing to make these steals beyond the stick lift button?

I cant even make a move to the inside, they just grab the puck and take off the other way, which inevitably leads to me taking a penalty, or just standing there trying to stick lift air.

I'm having the same problem. It's driving me insane. Any suggestions?

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Can anyone help me out? Twice I've offerred Blake Wheeler a contract, and he says he would take it but my roster is fulll. I've tried a 2 for 1 trade with every team and they are all full. Is there a way I can cut my lowest guy and bring Wheeler on?

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Can anyone help me out? Twice I've offerred Blake Wheeler a contract, and he says he would take it but my roster is fulll. I've tried a 2 for 1 trade with every team and they are all full. Is there a way I can cut my lowest guy and bring Wheeler on?

Send to the minors?

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