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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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I generally just play seasons and in about 15 games in, I'm still getting about a fourth of the PP chances the CPU gets. I rarely bother with the hip check button so maybe that's my problem, but I get boarding calls when players are against the boards and I hit them from the side.

I'm resigned to the idea that no matter what EA incarnate comes along, I'm going to lead the league in penalties and only get a third of that number in power plays.

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I do like that they made two sliders for CPU penalties, for your team and the opposition.

I'm getting 3-5 power play chances per game, but I also figured out how to draw penalties.

Put the puck in the net after a whistle and someone will come after you. You're allowed 1 hit after the whistle - from time to time it will piss off someone and you'll draw a roughing penalty.

It's cheap and manufactured, but I get more powerplays to balance things out.

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I've tinkered with the sliders and still get about the same ratio. I played Chicago last night and was 1/1 on the PP, which came with about a minute left in the game and I scored the winner in off a deflection. They had about five chances, so it's still a little ridiculous.

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Hey Guys I need some help. I only play my 12 year old son. Previous to NHL 11 we would pretty much alternate wins.....both about .500. So I buy him 11 and he proceeds to kick my arse. He has the hip check down and tips must about every puck off my stick with the poke check. I want to get him badly, he is kicking my butt with the Isles. Any tips? How does he hip check? I am having more difficulty checking with this game than NHL 8,9,10.

Thanks in advance.

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Hip check is click in the right stick. Your momentum gets zapped pretty quick, so you can't slide into them, you gotta be within a stick distance pretty much.

My pro is in the 70's for body checking and I have a problem getting solid hits every game. Sometimes I'll get up to 3, but hitting with other players is easy as hell, even some of the wimpier guys who don't check.

I still haven't figured out what "intimidation" is. Possibly face-washing, certain types of hits, not sure.

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Hip check is click in the right stick. Your momentum gets zapped pretty quick, so you can't slide into them, you gotta be within a stick distance pretty much.

My pro is in the 70's for body checking and I have a problem getting solid hits every game. Sometimes I'll get up to 3, but hitting with other players is easy as hell, even some of the wimpier guys who don't check.

I still haven't figured out what "intimidation" is. Possibly face-washing, certain types of hits, not sure.

Thanks any other tricks I unleash on him? He is getting pretty cocky for my liking. It is good humor though.

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I also only play season mode and am almost done my first season. think I have about 8 games left on the schedule. I usually get more penalties than the opposition but it's ok cause I'm 29th in the league on the PP lol. I'm now something like 39-22-13 and am second in the East with Montreal. I'm still being call for roughing after the whistle while not doing anything whatsoever but watching the guy from the other team clobber me to death. Sometimes it's double minors, sometimes he gets called and sometimes I get called and am not doing anything.

So far I've had one game misconduct for hitting from behind and am "lucky" that it is indeed only one as most of my game is spent chasing the other team's players in order to crush them using any means at my disposition lol. I think I've only been able to hurt one game so far though so I may not be crushing them nearly enough I guess. So far I've seen about 4 or 5 goals go to video review. 2 were mine and both ended up being good while two goals where waved off for the opposition and I believe one counted.

I find myself just dominating big teams like Pittsburgh (although I don't think they are that strong), Washington, San Jose while I'm getting killed by the Panthers at times. Got clobbered 6-1 against Boston last week.. I was kind of pissed as Horton seemed to be able to score at will from every angle.

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For anyone playing Be A Pro, has anyone injured themselves trying to make a hit but missed? I just did. I couldn't stop laughing about it. My pro was going for a hit on the boards, the opposing player got out of the way in time, i slammed into the boards a fell awkwardly. The play was dead, and I was being helped into the dressing room. It's looking like a playable injury.

Just thought I'd had to share.

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For anyone playing Be A Pro, has anyone injured themselves trying to make a hit but missed? I just did. I couldn't stop laughing about it. My pro was going for a hit on the boards, the opposing player got out of the way in time, i slammed into the boards a fell awkwardly. The play was dead, and I was being helped into the dressing room. It's looking like a playable injury.

I did that three times the first season until I got the controls down. Never missed any games though. I wonder if you can actually get injured enough to miss games in Be A Pro mode.

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I did that three times the first season until I got the controls down. Never missed any games though. I wonder if you can actually get injured enough to miss games in Be A Pro mode.

I don't think so. I set the slider for human injuries all the way and tried to put my self in fairly vulnerable spots with the puck and they never go for the hit.

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I've already had 5 injuries and one that required me to sit out one game (i'm only in mid January in my first season). 4 of those were 4 day injuries, but the one that I sat out one game was a 9 day.

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Has anyone else gotten today's roster update? I'm not one to publicly complain about a video game on here....but who the hell in their right mind decided it makes sense to lower Bobrovsky's overall from 81 to a 77? He was entered into the game as a relative unknown and given a decent 81, now after he goes and wins 10 of his last 11 games and is close to top 5 in the NHL in GAA and Save %, they go and take 4 points away from his overall? Are they retarded? I'm only pissed because I only play online with the Flyers, and its already a headache outplaying my opponents and tripling their shots and time on attack, then having them get a lucky rebound goal to win because Bob is rated criminally low.

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Has anyone else gotten today's roster update? I'm not one to publicly complain about a video game on here....but who the hell in their right mind decided it makes sense to lower Bobrovsky's overall from 81 to a 77? He was entered into the game as a relative unknown and given a decent 81, now after he goes and wins 10 of his last 11 games and is close to top 5 in the NHL in GAA and Save %, they go and take 4 points away from his overall? Are they retarded? I'm only pissed because I only play online with the Flyers, and its already a headache outplaying my opponents and tripling their shots and time on attack, then having them get a lucky rebound goal to win because Bob is rated criminally low.

Maybe they anticipated how he'd play tonight.

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Getting frustrated with how my team lives and dies with how the computers play. Too many terrible plays when I'm in a perfectly great passing lane and they throw it up the middle for a turnover on our break outs, and when they skate away from loose pucks at their feet on the penalty kill.

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i hate how just about every player you draft on NHL 11 wants a long term, high dollar contract. Everyone wants a Kovalchuk contract on this game, it seems.

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Im a little bit disturbed at the roster updates. Several players just seemingly disappeared.

Not that I intend on using him but Mats-Zuccarello Asen was on the Hartford Wolfpack AND the Sweedish National team when I bought the game. After the recent roster update, he flat out disappeared from the game all together. This has happened with several players.

Between a horrible opening day roster to taking forever to get out a good first update to now missing players — EA has really botched up the rosters this year.

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Im a little bit disturbed at the roster updates. Several players just seemingly disappeared.

Not that I intend on using him but Mats-Zuccarello Asen was on the Hartford Wolfpack AND the Sweedish National team when I bought the game. After the recent roster update, he flat out disappeared from the game all together.

Well he IS from Norway.

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I think that's where Sweeden is.

EA just screwed it up all around this year. The NHL roster updates are questionable at best and the requirement to be a Gold member to get the Madden updates has also pissed a lot of people off. It wouldn't have been so bad if you could transfer them between profiles, but of course that's not allowed.

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Theres so much I think needs to be upgraded in the game. As a designer myself I look at things beyond the gameplay.

For instance, the entire interface and menu system needs a re-design. The way the edit lines screen is done really needs an overhaul. Speaking of which, I wish they'd bring back line chemistry and hot/cold players. Over the past 15 years EA has added a lot of nice features only to remove them.

Third person fighting camera + replays of fights would be nice.

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