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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ballistik 52 Caliber Se OPS/shaft question

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I've gotten my last 4-5 shafts directly from them...go to their website for the phone number. Great folks to deal with.

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Does anyone know of any online retailers who sell them by any chance?

I called Ballistik and asked who sold Ballistik OPS/shafts online, and the rep said hockeygiant. I cannot find Ballistik products anywhere on that site though.

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I'd definitely entertain the idea of buying a Ballistik shaft. I was at General Sports awhile ago and saw some kid pick up a couple Ballistik sticks he had ordered. CBart? How much did you pay for the shaft? You can PM me if you wish

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I have a pair of their gloves and absolutely love 'em. Fastest break in-ever. Stupid light and comfortable. I had been wondering about their sticks and shafts, too. I'd be interested in hearing how much they charge. Thanks!

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They are absolute tanks too (durability wise, not weight wise)

I've actually had mine back in my rotation of late again, along with the Eagle and Easton.

I love it, takes a beating, the graphics are chipped to hell, but the integrity of the shaft/blade are still perfect.

I was part of the long term reviews for the 45 caliber, and it was fantastic.


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