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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should I worry about this?

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As you can see in the pics, the liner inside my One75's is tearing on the outside-edge-side of my boot. Should I be worried about this, or should I be more worried about my weak ankles causing this in the first place? :(




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My skates have wear in the same areas, but realized it was because my shins were sliding down and then rubbing. Not sure if that could be the case with you.

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I got them last September, so not too old yet. I'm sure it's from my shin pads rubbing on them, I just didn't expect it to do that much wear. I only use 14's I think, I'm about 6'1, so they might be rubbing right on top. Hopefully it doesn't get too much worse. I don't want an excuse to buy new skates.

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I got them last September, so not too old yet. I'm sure it's from my shin pads rubbing on them, I just didn't expect it to do that much wear. I only use 14's I think, I'm about 6'1, so they might be rubbing right on top. Hopefully it doesn't get too much worse. I don't want an excuse to buy new skates.

What kind of shins? I use 14" 6K's (Massive) and I have Bauer XIX's and there is no rubbing at all. Here's the kicker, I'm like 5'8-5'9. Maybe the One75's come up higher than the XIX's?

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the rubbing could be possible, but how do you use 14s and your 6+ feet man , i'm only 5'7 maybe a little more and i use 16's or 15s if i have to

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I wear mine out. I took a look last night and I didn't see a spot that could be rubbing on the liner, unless it's the bottom of my socks. There's no hard edges on the side. My shins basically come to the top of the boot, over the tongues, around the top eyelet. I thought about switching to 15's or 16's but I like my 800's. They're not too short and I don't take shots off the laces all that often.

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I'm 6'0" and I've worn 14" shinnies forever. Came as quite a shock when I looked at a pair from RBK and the sizing suggested 14" for people no taller than 5'8", then again I'm not exactly a long legged person.

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Get some Shoe-Goo and smear some over the parts where its ripped up. Will keep it from getting worse. I have new skates and have worn them maybe 5 times and they are wearing in the same spots.

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I'm 6'0" and I've worn 14" shinnies forever. Came as quite a shock when I looked at a pair from RBK and the sizing suggested 14" for people no taller than 5'8", then again I'm not exactly a long legged person.

ye thats why I was like wtfff haha but then again i wear my shinners over my tong and like the long look, and block shots alot for my highschool team because the D sucks

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I'm 6'0" and I've worn 14" shinnies forever. Came as quite a shock when I looked at a pair from RBK and the sizing suggested 14" for people no taller than 5'8", then again I'm not exactly a long legged person.

ye thats why I was like wtfff haha but then again i wear my shinners over my tong and like the long look, and block shots alot for my highschool team because the D sucks

Im 5'10 - 5'11 and i only wear a 13. Lots of people out there with short legs.

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I'm 6'0" and I've worn 14" shinnies forever. Came as quite a shock when I looked at a pair from RBK and the sizing suggested 14" for people no taller than 5'8", then again I'm not exactly a long legged person.

ye thats why I was like wtfff haha but then again i wear my shinners over my tong and like the long look, and block shots alot for my highschool team because the D sucks

heh mine cover from the knee, overlapping the breezers and covering the knot in my laces, so down to at least the first eyelets. I'm starting to feel down right stumpy....

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I am 5 foot 5 I wear size 14 shin pads (one90s) and wear one 75s and have had no wear problem. I play on average about 6 hours a week, and have had them for exactly a year next week.

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I am 5 foot 5 I wear size 14 shin pads (one90s) and wear one 75s and have had no wear problem. I play on average about 6 hours a week, and have had them for exactly a year next week.

wow thats crazy, i guess i have like spider legs lmao

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i had one75's and used them 6 times a week for three months and three times a week for about another 5 months. and my wera wasnt that bad. i went toungues out though....

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I am 5 foot 5 I wear size 14 shin pads (one90s) and wear one 75s and have had no wear problem. I play on average about 6 hours a week, and have had them for exactly a year next week.

wow thats crazy, i guess i have like spider legs lmao

I have really long legs for my height and I like my shinpads to come over the 2nd-3rd eyelet.

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