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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Russian gloves

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originally these gloves were made by MIA.

But they have since sold their shares in the company...their prolly a cheap version of the Warrior's now.

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Larionov was involved with EFSI.

Before, they had Inno sticks and I believe TPS gloves. They also did some Itech helmets, and MIA gloves.

I recall Larionov wearing a pair of HG-1's with the EFSI logo w/the Devils.

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Larionov was involved with EFSI.

Before, they had Inno sticks and I believe TPS gloves. They also did some Itech helmets, and MIA gloves.

It could be. Putin was behind all that. Thus they wanted to rebrand EFSI into LA PUTA. For some reason they didn't come to that point. It could be that the Governor of Caledonia, I mean California, objected. I heard he's a big guy, much bigger than Putin is.

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Larionov was involved with EFSI.

Before, they had Inno sticks and I believe TPS gloves. They also did some Itech helmets, and MIA gloves.

I recall Larionov wearing a pair of HG-1's with the EFSI logo w/the Devils.

And then Larionov tripped over time


Here is him again now:

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Ha, I actually know TJ Scammon.

He lives in Orlando. He's had that machine forever.

How about the toilet paper?

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Ha, I actually know TJ Scammon.

He lives in Orlando. He's had that machine forever.

off topic

but very nice skills.. novi?

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Some of those shoulder pads look like Louisville's version. The gloves definitely look like MIA's.

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Ha, I actually know TJ Scammon.

He lives in Orlando. He's had that machine forever.

off topic

but very nice skills.. novi?

but can he do it blindfolded? so did you bring any equipment with you to tampa that they hadn't used before? or do they stay pretty cutting edge to begin with?

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