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NHL 2005 vs ESPN 2005

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IMO EA NHL 2005 is alot better than espn's game. The open ice/ support is a great addition.

ESPN NHL 2k5 has a feature identical to EA's Open Ice, it's just ESPN doesn't market it like EA does.

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IMO EA NHL 2005 is alot better than espn's game. The open ice/ support is a great addition.

ESPN NHL 2k5 has a feature identical to EA's Open Ice, it's just ESPN doesn't market it like EA does.

What are you talking about. It's a new feature for both games. ESPN calls it the 'Pass and Go' feature and they market it just as much as EA. On the same topic, ESPN has a feature called the 'Intense Contact Control' where the user can control their hits with the right thumbstick button. Sounds a lot like EA's 'Bruise Control' to me and they implemented that a long, long time ago.

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