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NHL 2005 vs ESPN 2005

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I agree that the defender speed thing is a little bit annoying. I believe it's the 'catch-up' logic being put into effect. I don't think there is anything that you can tweak in the gameplay settings but I haven't looked too hard. With one on ones, make use of the manual deke. Combine it with zig-zag skating and efficient use of the turbo. You'll still probably get shutdown most of the time but that's just realistic. Not many guys can beat an NHL defender one on one. Good strategy, pressure, and face-off strategy matching will help with the breakaways. Try the aggressive face-off strategy couple with an open-ice control pass to the guy on the far wing. You should be able to bust up the ice fairly easily with that winger.

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All good points there HockeyShark. I'm sure they'll be addressed in next year's game. Most of those issues were already addressed but were deferred due to technical/time issues.

Rick Campinelli... he scratched EA's back they scratched his... it's all about the biznass.

Wait when does Rick Campinelli appear in the game?

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Rick will be one of the Free Agents in the Dynasty Mode.

As Cavs has said, winning is key to earning a lot of profit because a lot of people will still come to the games if you jack up the ticket prices. Making it into the playoffs will help a lot as well as people are willing to pay more for attending the games. Manage your Finances screen well. The right combination of ticket prices, concession markup, and fan giveaways will do that. Buy some of the Front Office upgrades. Each marketing upgrade instantly brings in more fans and gives your team a $1M boost in merchandise revenue. Accounting upgrade lowers your tax bracket and the legal upgrade can save you millions as it gives you the ability to sign players at a cheaper price.

I'll let you guys in on a little secret here. Each fan giveaways level (there's 5 of them) gives your team a +1 attribute boost at home games. It will cost you a little but it's worth it if it will help your team win more.

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I'll let you guys in on a little secret here. Each fan giveaways level (there's 5 of them) gives your team a +1 attribute boost at home games. It will cost you a little but it's worth it if it will help your team win more.

I was wondering why my players stats were easily 5+ points higher at home than on the road, now I know, thanks :D.

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I've never understood all the game review sites out there...either they don't know what a good hockey game is or they're just plain dumb when it comes down to hockey games, but EAs NHL franchise just blows NHL 2K_ out of the water. The sound and physics of 2K4 were garbage, just like all of its predecessors, and the absolute worst thing about it is the fighting engine. How ugly is that?! 2K5 isn't much better.

Yes, NHL 2004 wasn't great, mainly because the skating physics were just TOO damn sticky. It felt like I was playing tabletop hockey. But NHL 2005 is awesome. Don't listen to any bonehead that says the graphics aren't up to par, they're better than 2K5. There's a reason EA's franchise continues to be the best selling NHL franchise out there - it's because NHL 2K_ fuckin' sucks.

Prior to 2005, I think NHL 2002 was the best edition. I now consider 2005 the best - the skating physics and most everything else is great. The only thing they have to do now is get the difficulty levels down....you either all the time or never.

EDIT: Another downside for NHL 2005: the computer sim for stats is garbage. 30 games thru the season and a ton of guys have like 50 points. It's ridiculous. No one on my team (Edmonton) has more than 23 - and while that may sound right, there are guys like fuckin' Jason Arnott with like 40 points. That's not realistic.

Other thoughs that just hit me: offsides, yes they fuckin' irritate the hell outta me. I have no idea what my Ryan Smyth is doing in the slot before the puck passes the redline.

How does Dan Cloutier make 60 saves every game and I score 2 goals on him?

And how do those d-men do it?! You take a huge slapper and the puck sticks to the d-man's blade. They must have some seriously inhuman hand-eye.

Checking: Players seems to get sucked into defenders like a black hole. The hitting IS awesome though...

Ok, despite the flaws, NHL 2005 is a superior game. For the most part, 2K5 suffers from the same problems.

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Speaking of the NHL games from the '90s, I think it was '93 - '96 where you could just run huge goalie interference by crashing into him...the puck would slide under his pads when you hit him full on with a speedster like Fedorov or Selanne...it was hilarious...

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Speaking of the NHL games from the '90s, I think it was '93 - '96 where you could just run huge goalie interference by crashing into him...the puck would slide under his pads when you hit him full on with a speedster like Fedorov or Selanne...it was hilarious...

Dont forget about Pat Lafontaine

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i would say that nhl 2005 from ea is prolly the most frustrating games ive ever played.

and wahts with tthat stupid annoying repeative commentating?

dont get me started.

i was at my firends one night and he had 2004 on ps2, and i started playing it. i was loosing 3-0 in about 5 min but i was like... this is so fun! so much more fun than 2005!!

final score was something like 10 - 2 loss...

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can somebody send me the zip of that, i can never download from EA



and i hate how they used the same announcing as last yr. when they had clement in 2001 that was sick, too bad he's with espn. and i like the marketing of easton to get people to buy there low end sticks. classic-x what the hell is that common.

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Alright, so I got NHL 05 for Christmas and have had a chance to play maybe 6 games since:

Overall, I find this game quite good except for a few things:

- Create a player - That was one of the best things about NHL games before this. You have time to put in new features like WCOH and Free4All, but not a minor thing like create a player? In Tiger Woods 05 (another EA game) the create a player was absolutely outstanding.

- Bruise Control - How to use it? It says use R but R for me is Turbo. Somehow I seem to be a lone soldier here but I think the speed and accerlation of players is better than last year. IT took forever to skate the length of the ice but I don't see a problem here.

- Rule Book/Player's Manual - The book that comes with the game in the case, I forget what its called but it has what 11 pages of nothing useful that I care about. Maybe adding how to do stuff and create stuff would help that?

-Penalties/Fighting - The fighting in NHL 05 for XBOX is quite enhanced over last year. One flaw though, there's a maximum of three fights a game? Out of the 6 I've played, 4 of them have had 3 tillies. The penalty calling is quite bad I think, I could just ram some one out of the blue and no call. Some of the hipchecks and open ice hits are either quite obvious knees or elbows.

That's all for now.

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- Bruise Control - How to use it? It says use R but R for me is Turbo. Somehow I seem to be a lone soldier here but I think the speed and accerlation of players is better than last year. IT took forever to skate the length of the ice but I don't see a problem here.

Bruise Control isn't an actual button, i'm not sure how it is on XBOX but on PS2 it's the right analog stick and basically if you want to check someone in front of you, just move the right analog stick up, if you want to check someone beside you, move the stick left or right, if you want to hip check someone, move it down. So you're not actually pressing any button, you're just moving one of the analog sticks. Basically all Bruise Control is, is you get to manually control where you throw a hit.

Also, it's the same as last year, so if you played last years version just use it the same way.

If you still can't figure it out, go into the tutorials section on NHL 2005 and it'll explain it further and show you exactly how to use it.

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You press down on the right anologue stick, its called R3. You will hear it click. If you hold that in the little blue circle under your guy will turn yellow, and he will sometimes injure people.

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