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Skate guards you can walk around in

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Can anyone recommend a pair of skate guards that you can safely walk around in without damaging skate blades?

I'm not talking about to wear on the rubber mats in the rink, I'm talking about the type I can walk around on regular floors and not worry about damaging my blades.


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Those look good, anyone have any experience with them. I would need to climb a flight of stone steps, will these handle it?

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I thought both WC teams were using the maximum edge guards.

they my have been, as I said I think they were... I saw the game and when I saw the wings players taking off their skate gaurds they looked a lot like those so I assuemed they were them lol, guess I shouldn't assume because we all know what it doeslol/

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The Elite skate guards are very good - they are the ones that Steve Thomas had a hand in designing. Elite bought the design from his company.

It is a soaker, but has a molded channel inside that somewhat locks the blade in.

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I've had the rubber guards in the second post and a set of soakers. I definitely think that the rubber guards are better if you are going to be walking around a lot. The soakers don't protect the blade nearly as well as they do. However, I don't really like the rubber guards as they as harder to fit into my skate pocket when on my skates and also they cause your blade to rust. So if I need to walk around in my skates I use the rubbers but for everyday regular use at a rink I use the soakers

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these seem pretty good as well. I believe but I am not sure, that the Red Wings used these during the winter clasic this year.

wow - I hope they're worth the steep price!

but how are they different from regular soakers?

the reason I'm asking is because I had a set of soakers that looked decent, but got cut through in no time - after all sharp blades & soft cloth don't really work well together.

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those elite are way to expensive in my opionion, just buy a pair of hard plastic skate guards from any lhs, they don't even have to be from a big brand like nbh, I have a pair from roxa and they work just fine, the design is the same with all brands. I would stay away from the soakers, even the elite ones

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these seem pretty good as well. I believe but I am not sure, that the Red Wings used these during the winter clasic this year.

wow - I hope they're worth the steep price!

but how are they different from regular soakers?

the reason I'm asking is because I had a set of soakers that looked decent, but got cut through in no time - after all sharp blades & soft cloth don't really work well together.

The Elite skate guards are very good - they are the ones that Steve Thomas had a hand in designing. Elite bought the design from his company.

It is a soaker, but has a molded channel inside that somewhat locks the blade in.


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Jofa makes a skate guard you can step into and then walk around in. It's used by many of the Pros.

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Jofa makes a skate guard you can step into and then walk around in. It's used by many of the Pros.

No, most teams are in a Maximum Edge (Skate Mate) type soaker.

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I love the Jofa Step-In. The name says it all, you just step into them and they lock onto your holder. Decently sized rubber squares to walk on, they're sturdy and don't wobble. Easy removal as well. I recommend them.

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