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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Replace ONE90 Holder

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I have had my ONE90 skates now since July 08, used between 3-5 times per week. The boots are holding up really well, I love the feel and response. However since December I have noticed a crack towards the front of the right skate's holder. the crack is getting bigger and bigger, it was half its current size (see pic) in April.

Obviously I need to replace them and unfortunately a warranty fix isn't possible due to internet purchase. So in order to fix this issue I am asking what is the best replacement chassis? Keeping in mind that I love the feel, length, pitch etc etc of the current factory ONE90 setup. Should I grab a spare pair of LS2's from a hockey store and replace them? Will a pair intended for ONE95's fit the same existing holes drilled on my ONE90s?


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Get the new LS2 holders with the 2.1 steel in them. The 2.1 steel will give you the same amount of blade on the ice and feel as the LS2Powers did plus the LS2 holders wont crack or break as easily as those piece of crap LS Powers do!!

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had the same issues on my supreme 70s. I replaced them with ls2's. The holes line up perfectly, so no drilling is required. Here's a pic.


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