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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood OPS

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I have a Coffey RM7 but it's too heavy. I'm going to pick up a RM19 and give that a shot, it should be lighter since it's a higher model. RM7 was much too blade heavy for me, not very responsive.

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I have a Bouchard RM9, it is a really good stick for the money. I'd like a toe curve, but other than the pattern, the stick is a great bargain.

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I loved the Sherwood Eclipse, you dont see them much anymore. I think they were from 2004, i found this though http://www.hockey1.com/product-info.asp?pid=3704. Not much of selection in curves though.

That was my first composite stick, i still have 2 spezzas laying around up to my armpits. I liked them over synergys, i only used synergys because they were the cool thing to have, haha. The rm9's are pretty good, they weigh like 440? They feel similar to a dolomite to me for $130, rm19's are pretty light and strong as well, i have no problem with sherwood sticks i just dont like any of the curves. They will do customs on the 19's though i think?

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I bought the RM19 yesterday, used it last night and I am very happy. I'm a Gaborik hook guy, have used the Coffey curve before so there was no adjustment. The stick was as light as it should be, not blade heavy, very well balanced. The odd thing I found is the red model is well balanced but the blue model seemed blade heavy. I guess they have diffrent shaft dimensions with the ble model being thinner, not sure why you would want that. For $150 I'm very happy and for all you Gaborik guys looking for a replacement the RM19 is the way to go IMO.

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sounds like the RM19 might be a good buy. It is a little out of my price range. I don't want to drop too much on my first composite, in case I don't like the feel. How is the RM8? Any comments on it? Would $60 canadian be too much to spend on it or should I be looking at other sticks for that price?

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sounds like the RM19 might be a good buy. It is a little out of my price range. I don't want to drop too much on my first composite, in case I don't like the feel. How is the RM8? Any comments on it? Would $60 canadian be too much to spend on it or should I be looking at other sticks for that price?

$60 is a good price for an RM8. Give it a shot and tell us what you think

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Speaking of Sherwood, does anyone know whether or not they are releasing a new line of equipment for 2009. I know they were acquired (and picked up TPS?) in the last year or so. I haven't seen a 2009 catalog come out yet and would like to know what they are doing in the future, particularly with gloves and tapered replacement blades.

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sounds like the RM19 might be a good buy. It is a little out of my price range. I don't want to drop too much on my first composite, in case I don't like the feel. How is the RM8? Any comments on it? Would $60 canadian be too much to spend on it or should I be looking at other sticks for that price?

In my opinion it would be pretty hard to find a stick better than an RM8 for $60

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I will toss in a shameless plug - I have a new RM8 RH 85 flex Spezza pattern FS $65 shipped if anybody is interested.

They seem like a great value to me, but I have moved to intermediate flexes and the Sher-Woods are one extra inch longer than most (55" shaft vs 54") which means more cutting in my case. PM me if you want to try one!

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I bought the RM19 yesterday, used it last night and I am very happy. I'm a Gaborik hook guy, have used the Coffey curve before so there was no adjustment. The stick was as light as it should be, not blade heavy, very well balanced. The odd thing I found is the red model is well balanced but the blue model seemed blade heavy. I guess they have diffrent shaft dimensions with the ble model being thinner, not sure why you would want that. For $150 I'm very happy and for all you Gaborik guys looking for a replacement the RM19 is the way to go IMO.

From Sher-Wood catalog:

RM19 sticks:

RED SHAFT (Regular) = 0.785’’ X 1.180’’

BLUE SHAFT (Medium) = 0.745’’ X 1.140’’

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According to Sherwood ( at least in this link) the Red is "big" shaft and Blue is "regular" shaft = http://www.sher-wood.com/form.html

I distribute for Sher-Wood in Ukraine. They did tell me that their current site is a little dated. My post above is from their 2009 catalog

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