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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Equipment Ideas that never made it

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This might have been done before but I thought it would be a fun idea to come up with some of the most unique (crazy) bits of equipment that was released to the market place but never really lasted....for good reason.

Just to get this started, here are a few quickly off the top of my head:

1) V-Form skate

2) Roller Edge wheels (white plastic inserts that stuck out from the middle of the wheel)

3) Mission 3-Finger gloves

4) Parabolix wheels

5) Quick Change Chasis and skate

I'm sure someone's got some good ones that I have forgotten.

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Quik Change frames were a great idea. I was actually thinking about them yesterday. They need to redesign the frame and bring them back. It would make rotating wheels sooo much easier.

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the puck picker upper. basically a long cylinder that could pick up about 30 pucks. you had to pick them up 1 by 1... kinda pointless if you ask me.

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Quik Change frames were a great idea. I was actually thinking about them yesterday. They need to redesign the frame and bring them back. It would make rotating wheels sooo much easier.

I used to ref with a guy that swore by them. Of course for every game we reffed, he spent most of it on the bench trying to fix his frames and keep them closed.

They funny part was, he was trying to promote them at the time! :D

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The ROCKER Chassis

Although the specific frame never made it, the idea is still there in Sprungs. Just more developed and accepted.

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I think the 3 finger gloves were actually pretty good.

I thought they were stupid at the time but using them I had no issues.

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The ROCKER Chassis

Although the specific frame never made it, the idea is still there in Sprungs. Just more developed and accepted.

you could say that reguarding the vibe chassis as well. the sprungs have springs right? vibes had a spring like suspension system.

I guess Sprung is the best of both worlds.

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How about that Lockjaw blade deal that was out a while ago?

Did those every catch on?

i used those back in the day... the little lock expanding screw thing would either get deformed from impact or break completely. i ended up putting a drill bit through the shaft trying to get the pos screw out.

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I loved those Quest gloves! When I was 12 or 13 I had a pair of the team USA ones. I loved them to death even though they didn't go with my team colors at all. I wish I could find a pair of them just to have. They had a weird thumb design too if I remember correctly.

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The 5 wheel frame, for use by forwards.

Haha, caught on for me. I used them for about 3 years between high school and early college. I even did a failed attempt to go back to them recently, but literally disintegrated wheels after a few uses.

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I'll have to dig the old roller hockey magazine issues out for this one, but one that comes to mind is the wheels that wer like segments held together looked like rings, held on to the hub somehow.... ment to give you an ice like stop I think

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