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vapor xxxx stick slapshot

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Can anybody find any pictures of somebody taking a slapshot with a Vapor xxxx. i just bought one and i realize the one 95 is marketed as the stick for power, that makes me feel like you shouldnt take slapshots with it. I know the kick point is different too. Anybody who owns one please chime in as well

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Yeah man, I bought a xxxx from HG for $99 bucks just to see what the vapor line felt like (as I pretty much just use a one95), the stick felt fine when handling the puck, but I just couldn't get a hold of the low kickpoint when I was shooting, especially trying to take slapshots, the shots seemed pretty accurate but just lacked to pop and explosive release of the one95. Granted, I wasn't wailing on the stick too hard when I was shooting cause I was trying to keep it in good condition so I could sell it if I didn't like it. But, by no means should the vapor xxxx be solely used for wrist and snap shots, plenty of pros and my friends use the xxxx and can take greats shots with it (slap shots included), it's really just a matter of putting some time using the stick and getting use to a new flex point.

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I dont have a pic, but i know that one of the best players here uses a XXXX, not sure what flex. He was letting quite a number of slappers go a few weekends ago at training, and I saw him using it a few days later for 4 games.

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Can anybody find any pictures of somebody taking a slapshot with a Vapor xxxx. i just bought one and i realize the one 95 is marketed as the stick for power, that makes me feel like you shouldnt take slapshots with it. I know the kick point is different too. Anybody who owns one please chime in as well

just because its marketed for power doesn't mean you shouldn't take slapshots...that would mean i shouldn't take slapshots with the 10k but with the o stick...granted you'd probably get a better kick from the one95s but the xxxx has its own upsides too

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I've had a one90, one95 and vapor xxxx. The XXXX will take the abuse from slapshots just fine, so if you're worried about breaking it....don't be. The biggest nag is that it takes longer to release the puck (better loading for snap shots and wrist shots). The one95 doesn't load as well but I can get one hell of a slap shot out of it.

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I guess it's all personal Preference at the end of the day.

I bought a Dolomite shaft with Mission Pro Stock head and hated it, couldn't shoot at all. Sold it, bought an S11 OPS and my slapshot has never been stronger. I've now bought an SE16 shaft with tapered wood heads, so I'll see if it works. It may, it may not, but it all comes down to seeing what works for you.

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The lower kickpoint sticks do feel a bit odd on slap shots since they load lower and don't feel like they load as much. I find I have to have the puck a bit further back to get a good slapper with my Dolomite compared to my One90 combo. If I do that, I get a good hard shot off.

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Can anybody find any pictures of somebody taking a slapshot with a Vapor xxxx. i just bought one and i realize the one 95 is marketed as the stick for power, that makes me feel like you shouldnt take slapshots with it. I know the kick point is different too. Anybody who owns one please chime in as well

Its marketing. There is no difference at all, one stick is not "better" for slapshots because thats how its marketed, its pure personal preference. I know guys who are real heavy shooting d who use a low kick stick and say its better for slapshots, i honestly found i had quite a bit more power in my wrist shots with a 87 flex one95 then i did with a se. Oh yeah, and by the way you shoudlnt take slapshots with an ostick, not strong enough to handle them. LOL.

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Its marketing. There is no difference at all, one stick is not "better" for slapshots because thats how its marketed, its pure personal preference. I know guys who are real heavy shooting d who use a low kick stick and say its better for slapshots, i honestly found i had quite a bit more power in my wrist shots with a 87 flex one95 then i did with a se. Oh yeah, and by the way you shoudlnt take slapshots with an ostick, not strong enough to handle them. LOL.

ye i'm kinda scared right now, since my ostick hasn't broken in ages, 1 lil slapshot might just snap it in half <_<

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What's with the hate of the o stick I got one one the cheap a couple weeks ago and its going strong still and I take slap shots and everything with it, but back on target I can get the XXXX stick for 80 bucks brand new, will I have to adjust to that from the o stick at the same flex?

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will I have to adjust to that from the o stick at the same flex?

yes. the xxxx's will open up more where the 9k stick does not due to the tortional stiffness. I remember hearing from an RBK rep that alot of the right-handed players who tested out the stick constantly had their shots go to the left of the net because they were used to other shafts twisting thus opening up the blade...

if that makes sense.

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A higher flex might help it a little bit, but i wouldn't change. Chances are you will get used to the XXXX in little to no time. A buddy on my team finally broke his 9k and used my SE...took him about 4 shifts to adjust his shot. I think you'll be just fine.

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Yeah, I should be ok I mean the curves will be way off I'm going from a p34 to a nasland curve but it I don't like it no biggy I'm getting a deal on it

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will I have to adjust to that from the o stick at the same flex?

yes. the xxxx's will open up more where the 9k stick does not due to the tortional stiffness. I remember hearing from an RBK rep that alot of the right-handed players who tested out the stick constantly had their shots go to the left of the net because they were used to other shafts twisting thus opening up the blade...

if that makes sense.

ye...the holes really stiffen up the bottom of the stick, you just need time

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Its marketing. There is no difference at all, one stick is not "better" for slapshots because thats how its marketed, its pure personal preference. I know guys who are real heavy shooting d who use a low kick stick and say its better for slapshots, i honestly found i had quite a bit more power in my wrist shots with a 87 flex one95 then i did with a se. Oh yeah, and by the way you shoudlnt take slapshots with an ostick, not strong enough to handle them. LOL.

ye i'm kinda scared right now, since my ostick hasn't broken in ages, 1 lil slapshot might just snap it in half <_<

Thats all it took to finish off mine. Lol

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The funnysad thing about this is I've been using Grip Lites for ~10 years now and they're not made for backhands as I've only taken 5 of them in that span. 3 of them were dump-ins and one was a simple clear the one time I was on a penalty kill.

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nay prolly gonna shoot for the ops since i don't got no blades lying around and i like the datsyuk curve

who woulda thought but i'm waiting for this damn o stick to break

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