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Airlines wreck guitar

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HALIFAX — The Halifax musician who posted a music video about his battle with United Airlines on YouTube might have to scrap his plans to take it easy this summer.

When he uploaded the video Monday night, he never expected to get calls for a gig in Las Vegas.

Now with almost half a million hits, Dave Carroll’s revenge song, “United Breaks Guitars” is an Internet sensation and the Sons of Maxwell guitarist can’t keep up with the requests to perform it.

Carroll spent the past year trying to get compensation from United because he says his favourite guitar was practically destroyed by baggage handlers.

After watching the video, Taylor Guitars in California got in touch to say they’d be happy to see if they could repair the damaged guitar and they promised a deep discount on his next purchase.

United Airlines called to say they liked the video and wanted to use it as a textbook case on how to handle customer complaints in the future.

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Yeah, I guess I'm a bit slow on this. Damned internet. I remember when I had to walk a mile uphill just to get a chance to hear the news dictated by a guy reading the teletype machine. And it was always 50 below too, and windy and...............

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I have seen so many people loose their shit at the airport when something has been broken etc. The problem is that no body cares from the Airlines, they simply aren't paid enough.

When I was flying out of LAX I had to speak to 5-7 different Qantas staff to find out where my connection was boarding from. No body knew, I stumbled upon it because I recognised some Aussie accents and asked, after walking around and around for 45 mins. The terminal where I found all my compatriots stated that it was flying to Tijuana! Then they lost my baggage... <_<

Moral of the Story: Screw Qantas, I will paddle home next time!

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they might weigh competitor's sticks extra length + wood plug ext and use smallest rbk retail.....

Aussie, it depends on the color of your skin... as much as I hate to admit it, I get better service from Qantas than on Singapore Airlines... for those who know me, I'm asian, born and raised in Singapore.

On any Singapore Airlines flight, I would be one of the many many Singaporeans on the flight. Which Singapore Hostess would care about that many Singaporeans, when they could suck up to Japanese, American and Aussie passengers? I'm a frequent flyer on Qantas, so I go to the express queue for Gold Class members... in Singapore, the checkin girls would greet the Aussies with a smile, yet when I get to the counter, they would ask 'are YOU a Gold member?' with a f-up look on their face...

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If your guitar isn't in an ATA certified hard case, you aren't going to get a dime from any airline. The people in the claims departments are also not usually authorized to to do much if you don't follow the rules very closely. I'm not surprised that it went down the way it did. Taylor got some great advertising out of this, he will probably end up with something for free and United has already said they will look into the problem again. In the end, he's going to get a couple free guitars and already got some great publicity for his band. Everyone, other than united, wins.

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lol, these guys are hilarious. It's not like they are even mad, but trying to make fun of the thing. I would be pissed at the airline, even seeing the people toss your sh*t, not place it.

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Between that and "Roller Babies" has anyone got ANYTHING done the last few days *L*

lol, just checked out roller babies, plain hilarious. man, I love international commercials.

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Aussie, it depends on the color of your skin... as much as I hate to admit it, I get better service from Qantas than on Singapore Airlines... for those who know me, I'm asian, born and raised in Singapore.

On any Singapore Airlines flight, I would be one of the many many Singaporeans on the flight. Which Singapore Hostess would care about that many Singaporeans, when they could suck up to Japanese, American and Aussie passengers? I'm a frequent flyer on Qantas, so I go to the express queue for Gold Class members... in Singapore, the checkin girls would greet the Aussies with a smile, yet when I get to the counter, they would ask 'are YOU a Gold member?' with a f-up look on their face...

That would be the 1st I have heard of a country's airlines being racist to their own people. For the record, Thai has the best food I have had. Swiss gave me pickled herring once (rollmops), that shit is messed up!

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