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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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District 9

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Just saw a preview earlier today and was like WTF?! At least until I realized it was a movie. I'll probably go see it, it looks cool.

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I saw the trailer somewhere and thought it had potential but given the way Hollywood has screwed everything up lately, I'll wait for the reviews and/or DVD.

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I'll be there on discount Tuesday. Not going out of my way to see it, though.

EDIT: I just watched the trailer again. Does anybody think the mothership type thing looks strikingly familiar to the ship in Independence Day? Lolol.

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Looks quite good, altho when i watched the first trailer (teaser trailer) it looked pointless but then i seen the second one and realised something actually happens.

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