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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any hockey scene or how about the fact that a 17 year old was tearing up the league he was in and had to go to an open tryout for a junior team. I won't bother with the fact that they were playing major junior games during school hours.

I see you have not been following David Perron. Given up on in Jr A, almost quits, invited to a major junior training camp, tears up the ice, spends a year showing what he has in the Q, goes to NHL training camp....

and then


Like I said, what part do you think is not realistic?

Perron made the team OUT OF CAMP, Deaner hit an open tryout with about a week to go before the playoffs. Bit of a difference there.

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When someone tries to tell me that everything hockey related in Youngblood was realistic then I feel it is my civic duty to correct them.

Or you could just laugh and feel pity.

All this Youngblood talk makes me want to watch it again.

"I am an F B I agent!!!"

I know, man. Isn't it wild??

You're cold because all the blood is running out of your body, Roach. You're going to be dead soon. I hope it was worth it.

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You're cold because all the blood is running out of your body, Roach. You're going to be dead soon. I hope it was worth it.

"You let him get away! .....we'll get him when he comes back."

(dramatic pause)

"He's not coming back."



"I caught my first tube this morning!" Haha...

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Got Youngblood and Slapshot on DVD for my birthday last weekend.

Youngblood is so bad it actually is good! Even my wife, when passing by the TV, and seeing some scenes from the movie, would go...."God this is bad"....yet would get caught up and watch!

She was surprised to see Keanu Reeves too...she said, "wow, he was a shitty actor back then too"...LOL

It is like watching Nancy Grace get in a car wreck. Its bad....but good too....and you just cant stop watching.

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Got Youngblood and Slapshot on DVD for my birthday last weekend.

Youngblood is so bad it actually is good! Even my wife, when passing by the TV, and seeing some scenes from the movie, would go...."God this is bad"....yet would get caught up and watch!

She was surprised to see Keanu Reeves too...she said, "wow, he was a shitty actor back then too"...LOL

It is like watching Nancy Grace get in a car wreck. Its bad....but good too....and you just cant stop watching.

Nailed it.

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