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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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U+ to Supreme Skates

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My feet are very similar. I just tried on 9k's and S15's. Both fit good but for my narrow ankles the S15's were just right. How many pumps are you using for the 9k's? When I tried them on I needed 20-30 pumps for the my preferred ankle lock and that didn't seem right to me. You could also look at flexlites.

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Not sure how many times exactly, as i tend to pump them about ten then probably 10 more times as I am warming up until they feel tight. I'd like to get a pair of Vapor XXXX because everywhere is blowing them out. I just think my foot isn't a Vapor foot or maybe i need to try EE

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Your foot looks like a slightly narrower version of my own, and I'm skating comfortably in a Supreme One95, EE. Your forefoot flares outward transitioning from your midfoot. I have the same issue and the Vapor XXXX absolutely destroyed my foot, even when I tried it on with Superfeet and a bake.

I'd give the Supreme line a shot, that's my suggestion.

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Yeah, I would recommend the supreme skates too, they're really great for flat and moderately wide feet (which look similar to mine). I had the same reaction to the vapors, they just didn't seem to fit quite right, I would definitely give the supremes a shot though.

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Yeah, I would recommend the supreme skates too, they're really great for flat and moderately wide feet (which look similar to mine). I had the same reaction to the vapors, they just didn't seem to fit quite right, I would definitely give the supremes a shot though.

ONE95 might be a good option. but one75? i dont think so. it really kill my flat foot. im not recommending one75 for flat foot. Maybe easton is good.

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Do you normally wear EE?

JR's a pro. I'd listen to him. I just know the 95's were out of my range and went with the fit. Your foot may differ.

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I have a very, very similar foot except wider ankles and am forcing my feet into a vapor 40. I won't lie, it's effing painful at times and I have baked them 3 times total now but it has gotten better. I only put up with this much hassle because they are insanely nice skates!

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Supreme One/95's, Reebok 9K's or Easton S-11 or S-15's. Not necessarily in that order and get the one that fits you the best. Cheers!

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OK bump for a new problem... I.m having lacebite on the top of my U+'s

THey fir well in the ankle are and could be a bit wider where across my toes.

Would the supreme series skates help with those two areas?


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I used to have a picture of my foot, I was wondering if there would be an updated recommendation based on what a laced skate looks like.

If you don't have an opinion please don't reply to my question with "What JR said."

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I used to have a picture of my foot, I was wondering if there would be an updated recommendation based on what a laced skate looks like.

If you don't have an opinion please don't reply to my question with "What JR said."

I am not trying to waste your time or be a dick. You asked the question originally of what was recommended for you and you went against the advice. Some people take that as an insult when their advice is not taken and then you ask for it again when what you chose did not work.

As for the width issue, my one95's felt wider when I tried them on than the U+. As far as depth it would be unfair to say, the U+ reloaded's were not baked. I notice with narrower wax laces I loose circulation more so than when I use the wider wax laces.

How bad is the lace bite? I have had lace bite from my wildland firefighting boots that were so bad the blood dried the top of my feet and I still have scars. I have not experienced any lace bite from my one95's though.

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I used to have a picture of my foot, I was wondering if there would be an updated recommendation based on what a laced skate looks like.

If you don't have an opinion please don't reply to my question with "What JR said."

Unfortunately for you, most of the opinions are the exact same as what JR has recommended. I too, am of that particular opinion.

You seem to only want to take advice so long as it follows your train of thought, and nobody elses. You're going to have a tough time getting good advice from a wide range of people that way.

Said it once, I'll say it again: One95's, or One100's.

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You didn't phrase is as your own opinion on the first post.

I did try on one95's when I bought my flexlites and the FL's felt better at the time. I sold those and am currently skating in u+ reloadeds as you can see. None of my skates have ever been bought online. Always tried on in store.

My quesion was if supremes would be deeper so as to relieve so pressure off the top of my foot

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