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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hurricanes sue Hip Hop Artist...

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I listened to the song just for shits and gigs, and wow...I think it's a lot more than trademark violations that led to the lawsuit. It's TERRIBLE!

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Their only current complaint is that he wears the jersey in promotional material- he removed all claims that it was official in any way. Which is rather dumb- him wearing the jersey is free publicity.

Besides, if he bought the jersey, why can't he wear it for whatever he wants?

And I say this as a Hurricanes fan.

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I could see them getting up in arms if the song was controversial in some way. But as it stands they used it during games, so I'd think a struggling franchise would take all the free adverising it could get. Especially given that this could actually be an inroad to the minority community in North Carolina and introduce hockey to a community where hockey is less popular than in the general community (where hockey is also not all that popular). I'm calling this a bad move.

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I could see them getting up in arms if the song was controversial in some way. But as it stands they used it during games, so I'd think a struggling franchise would take all the free adverising it could get. Especially given that this could actually be an inroad to the minority community in North Carolina and introduce hockey to a community where hockey is less popular than in the general community (where hockey is also not all that popular). I'm calling this a bad move.

The Hurricanes aren't exactly struggling. Not as wealthy as the habs, that's for sure, but they're making money and have pretty good crowds.

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