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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone else use the hull shafts from ebay yet?

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I got mine on saturday and used it a little last night. Definetly is an 80 flex, felt more whippy then my regular flex xn10. I used a short hoseled custom blade and the stick still felt light although definetly not as light as an xn10 obviously. First few shots I took I noticed the kick, then from there it was trying to pinpoint the flex zone a little better. Id say one in four shots was more of a rocket then my usual shot with my xn10 and the other three flopped between horrible to being my usual. The bottom line, its gonna take me some time to get used to shaft so my shot is consistent with it. Till then, it will not see game time, at least not in my A level games.

Side note on the shaft, its got great construction. Everything seemed pretty much perfect. My only complaint is that the grip is a little too tacky for me.

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I'm am dying to try the shaft out but since most people are saying it's an 80 I know it's stiffer than I would like. I think my int XX is stiffer than I would like so I've held off on putting a blade in it so I can sell it! I did think the grip felt pretty tacky. Does it lose it's tack at all w/ wet gloves on? And yes, it does seem like it's very well made. BTW, Hockeytown had 2 of these GU Hull UL's w/ the 100 flex blacked out. $300! I'd say for 82 bucks we got a good deal!

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yeah I would definetly have to agree, great deal. With my low connection blade I didnt even have to cut the shaft too which Im sure will be good if I ever want to ebay it.

I didnt notice the grip get any less tacky, which kinda pissed me off. Im used to the xn10 right now which has no grip so going from that to this was a big change.

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I tried it Saturday and even though I'm not used to this much flex it was just a shankfest for me. I used my Nike in it and that's got a longer hosel so the length wasn't any different than what I'm used to. I tinkered with my mechanics and got slappers down somewhat, but wristers were pretty nasty with it. I can't get used to the whippiness when I try to stickhandle though.

Have to agree about the grip though, even when my gloves got a bit moist it felt like rubber cement to me.

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I didnt notice the change when stickhandling since Im just using a IDS puck which is lighter then an ice puck but it was definetly flexing a little. Wristers were great, same with snapshots. For slapshots, did you feel like straightening your elbow worked? I couldnt get my mechanics to stay the same for more then a shot or two, and didnt want to royally confuse myself before a big game, but I thought that worked pretty good when I was on my downswing.

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Used it last night and loved it. My wristers were ridiculous! I like the grip (PP) To me, it feels more flexible than 80. I compared it to a 70 Cyclone and it's about the same. I rarely use slapshots so that wasn't/isn't an issue. Stickhandling was fine. I 'handle with my bottom hand at least 1/3 of the way down the shaft so it'll probably matter more to guys who keep their hands high/closer together. Def. a great deal, glad I got 2.

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dgaronzik--One thing I did that seemed to work was kind of stopping my shot half-way and letting the torque finish it for me. It felt like the stick would snap on any given shot so after that I stuck with wristers and my dreaded dump-ins.

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I need to check out those Hull videos but it has to be something along those lines. I guess I'm too much of an old dog to re-learn how to shoot so I think I'll stick with the gorilla flexes.

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I just got mine, I think I may like it more than I thought. I love my inno hull, but easton isn't as whippy. Its just a tad bit whippier than the inno and the grip isn't as tacky as everyone was making it out to be. It'll be an interesting addition to the stockpile :)

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What do you type in ebay to find these shafts? I might want to buy one. Anyone who has one's information on this would be great.

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there are no more to buy, but I know Alden on the board wants to sell his. Its a good buy, great price, you should seriously think about it. I doubt you will ever find it again this cheap. I think he is selling it 85 US dollars

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Don't worry 'bout it, but what kind of shafts are they? Also, I use a 110 flex synthesis and I am only a sophmore in high school (about 175 lbs, 6-2)...is this too stiff for me? I really want to be able to get the maximum shot velocity and I will buy a new shaft if this is the case. Thanks for the input ahead of time

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It all depends on how you shoot. I'm 6-1 225 and I love a 90-95 flex. I can feel the shaft bend, then snap back through the puck.

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What do you mean by how I shoot? I usually take slappers, but is that what you're talking about? Does Easton make the synthesis grip in like 85?

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I am 5' 6" and can use a 110 just fine. For what ever reason I shoot better with that flex and perfer the stiffness for stick handling. Then after a few months the elbow and shoulders get sore and I am back to an 85 or 100 for a bit.

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Is there any tapered shaft out there that comes in an 85-90 flex?

Regular flex R2, 260 flex 1100/Novius.

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does anyone else like the concave shape of the shaft? This shaft feels so much like his inno except for the grip thats its kinda scary. I can't wait to use this shaft!

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