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Graf Canada runs a shady business

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Like everyone else has said...

Awesome job by Justin on this. Mission is a great company, and the way they back their products is unparralelled.

As to the Grafs, was considering them, but now, no thanks. Just picked up a new pair of 8090's, and am really happy with them.


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  chrisg19 said:
Like everyone else has said...

Awesome job by Justin on this. Mission is a great company, and the way they back their products is unparralelled.

As to the Grafs, was considering them, but now, no thanks. Just picked up a new pair of 8090's, and am really happy with them.


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Amen my friend, i've heard nothing but good things about 8090's.... hopefully there good to you too

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To be fair, this seems to be a fairly isolated incident with Graf. Generally they've been pretty good about fixing or replacing defective merchandise.

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  mseguin said:
To be fair, this seems to be a fairly isolated incident with Graf. Generally they've been pretty good about fixing or replacing defective merchandise.
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maybe with you but from talking to store owners and other customers, they treat you like there product is gold and you should feel privilaged to be able to buy it in the first place...

Isolated or not, it should not happen, if it happened to you, you would not call it isolated, you would feel raped...

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"Raped" might be rather hyperbolic, don't you think? Let's keep everything in perspective here. A business decision was made, albeit a poor decision, to not honor your warranty due to manufacturing defects. Not to get on a high horse, but as crappy as it feels to get shafted by Graf, your situation is a helluva long way from constituting a "rape."

I am glad to hear that Mission/Justin have come through for you. Like many others, I am continually impressed by their commitment to the sport and to the members of this board. Mission seems to understand that if they take good care of us, we remember when we shell out cash for new equipment. It's too bad Graf Canada doesn't understand that fundamental business tenet. Where Mission embraces the hockey community, Graf seems to prefer alienating itself from its core customers. Graf obviously subscribes to the caveat emptor school of economics.

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Nice touch Mission.

DJ, as you probably know adjusting to new skates can be a challenge so make sure you give them a fair shake!

Good luck!

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  Justin 1933 said:
Got the skates...Sending out the replacements today...


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wow, thats great, i'm so exited, can't stand still, could you pm me the adress that I put in the box (just wanna make sure i got my new adress right)

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  jjtt99 said:
Nice touch Mission.

DJ, as you probably know adjusting to new skates can be a challenge so make sure you give them a fair shake!

Good luck!

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I know... plus with the s500 pitch, I got allot of settings to try...

I'm in the Georgia aria, if someone wants to attend some stick time with me, let me know maybe the cooler or the iceforum?

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Dude I received the S500's.. Thank you Justin, I will put up a review on em as soon as I get to try em...

Now all I have to do I find a place to play in Georgia... easier said then done :(

Anybody know of pickup time in ATL...

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  Justin 1933 said:
To help solve this issue, I will trade you a pair of S500 or S400's (whichever I have in stock) for your defective Graf skates.  This will get you on a pair of skates that are not defective and we can end this problem.

Please send your skates to:

Justin Hoffman

c/o Mission Hockey

1801 South Standard Ave

Santa Ana, CA 92707

Please include your size in Mission Skates, as well as your address...

I am only doing this once, so other members on the board, please do not PM trying to do this with your skates.


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notworthy.gif Mission notworthy.gif

I was just reading through this entire thread and read every single post, then I saw Justin's post saying he'll basically give him a pair of Mission skates for free, man that's awesome. Just because of how nice Justin was in this thread, the next time and any time I need something, i'll definitely go out of my way from here on out to make sure I buy Mission-everything.

Now I feel guilty about buying my Bauer 8090's last week :lol:.

I know this thread is a couple months old and I apologize in advance for bumping it.

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  Accord said:
  Justin 1933 said:
To help solve this issue, I will trade you a pair of S500 or S400's (whichever I have in stock) for your defective Graf skates.  This will get you on a pair of skates that are not defective and we can end this problem.

Please send your skates to:

Justin Hoffman

c/o Mission Hockey

1801 South Standard Ave

Santa Ana, CA 92707

Please include your size in Mission Skates, as well as your address...

I am only doing this once, so other members on the board, please do not PM trying to do this with your skates.


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notworthy.gif Mission notworthy.gif

I was just reading through this entire thread and read every single post, then I saw Justin's post saying he'll basically give him a pair of Mission skates for free, man that's awesome. Just because of how nice Justin was in this thread, the next time and any time I need something, i'll definitely go out of my way from here on out to make sure I buy Mission-everything.

Now I feel guilty about buying my Bauer 8090's last week :lol:.

I know this thread is a couple months old and I apologize in advance for bumping it.

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i feel the exact same way as you besides the fact you have 8090's

i have 705's


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i've been skiming through this and imo it's pretty sill. if your skates were messed up, you should have just returned them, especially if you only skated on them twice. graf isn't the biggest company in the world, and their factory is pretty small. even still, they rake in a pile of dough. i've seen hundreds of graf skates over the years and i've never seen this problem before. but you have to understand also that grafs are handmade and each skate is a little bit different. i've gone through two pairs so far, and i'll prolly have a few more, my first pair had a bit of a warped base but that didnt effect my skating whatsoever. also, you might have needed some shims in your skates, to put that much pressure on the front rivit seems kinda wacky to me.

also, you cant just sue people in canada, or take them to court. you need to have a great deal of direct damage or personal loss to even consider a lawsuit. as far as i know you can sue for alot in the states, but in canada its a little different. prolly the best you'll get is a new pair of skates, or your money back. the guys at graf also prolly have alot better things to do then to worry themselves about one guy. if you were paul karyia or something then that might be different.

imo this was just a freak accident and your getting only partial resolution, but that is to be expected.

just my two cents, no offence intended.

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  dangle7 said:
i've been skiming through this and imo it's pretty sill. if your skates were messed up, you should have just returned them, especially if you only skated on them twice. graf isn't the biggest company in the world, and their factory is pretty small. even still, they rake in a pile of dough. i've seen hundreds of graf skates over the years and i've never seen this problem before. but you have to understand also that grafs are handmade and each skate is a little bit different. i've gone through two pairs so far, and i'll prolly have a few more, my first pair had a bit of a warped base but that didnt effect my skating whatsoever. also, you might have needed some shims in your skates, to put that much pressure on the front rivit seems kinda wacky to me.

also, you cant just sue people in canada, or take them to court. you need to have a great deal of direct damage or personal loss to even consider a lawsuit. as far as i know you can sue for alot in the states, but in canada its a little different. prolly the best you'll get is a new pair of skates, or your money back. the guys at graf also prolly have alot better things to do then to worry themselves about one guy. if you were paul karyia or something then that might be different.

imo this was just a freak accident and your getting only partial resolution, but that is to be expected.

just my two cents, no offence intended.

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I Know you can't sue in Canada but thats not the point...

Justin from Mission gave me a brand ne pair in exchange for Grafs buched up pair so Im good, wating on the Fuels to hit the market so I can scoop em up...

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heres a question i only got to page 3 of reading but when you saw this why didnt you just go to your LHS to exchange them for another pair of those skates instead of having to go through the hassle of getting them fixed. now ive seen shotty jobs from bauer where the lining has been repaired and the threading didnt match and you could very well see where the new lining was placed,lets just say that customer wasnt very happy. But as for graf i know weve sent a few pair of skates in and theyve replaced them probably because weve been dealing with graf for over 15yrs

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  Accord said:
  Justin 1933 said:
To help solve this issue, I will trade you a pair of S500 or S400's (whichever I have in stock) for your defective Graf skates.  This will get you on a pair of skates that are not defective and we can end this problem.

Please send your skates to:

Justin Hoffman

c/o Mission Hockey

1801 South Standard Ave

Santa Ana, CA 92707

Please include your size in Mission Skates, as well as your address...

I am only doing this once, so other members on the board, please do not PM trying to do this with your skates.


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notworthy.gif Mission notworthy.gif

I was just reading through this entire thread and read every single post, then I saw Justin's post saying he'll basically give him a pair of Mission skates for free, man that's awesome. Just because of how nice Justin was in this thread, the next time and any time I need something, i'll definitely go out of my way from here on out to make sure I buy Mission-everything.

Now I feel guilty about buying my Bauer 8090's last week :lol:.

I know this thread is a couple months old and I apologize in advance for bumping it.

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I have alot of respect for you! That was a very professional thing to do. :)

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  sogaduch said:
heres a question i only got to page 3 of reading but when you saw this why didnt you just go to your LHS to exchange them for another pair of those skates instead of having to go through the hassle of getting them fixed. now ive seen shotty jobs from bauer where the lining has been repaired and the threading didnt match and you could very well see where the new lining was placed,lets just say that customer wasnt very happy. But as for graf i know weve sent a few pair of skates in and theyve replaced them probably because weve been dealing with graf for over 15yrs
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i don't make the rules, they followed grafs instructions...

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  sogaduch said:
heres a question i only got to page 3 of reading but when you saw this why didnt you just go to your LHS to exchange them for another pair of those skates instead of having to go through the hassle of getting them fixed. now ive seen shotty jobs from bauer where the lining has been repaired and the threading didnt match and you could very well see where the new lining was placed,lets just say that customer wasnt very happy. But as for graf i know weve sent a few pair of skates in and theyve replaced them probably because weve been dealing with graf for over 15yrs
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Um I'm very sure that's exactly what djinferno did! Sorry to ressurect this thread but I just read through it for the first time and I am AMAZED! I have not owned Graf for about 6 years (I had a pair of Swiss Grafs back in High School) but needless to say I'm never going to buy anything from them.

And, Just have to say that :

notworthy.gif MISSION notworthy.gif

Justin, you rock and you guys down at mission deserve my business! Thank you so much for not being a jerk, as the industry is already flooded with them. You stand out, WAY OUT.

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  gavin said:

Justin, you rock and you guys down at mission deserve my business! Thank you so much for not being a jerk, as the industry is already flooded with them. You stand out, WAY OUT.

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Just reading this thread for the first time makes me happy there are people like Justin out there with these companies. It sounds like you just earned a customer for life that will refer everyone he knows to you. What more can a company ask for, especially in the digital age when we all speak to each other around the world.

Mission service is second to no one. Easton does come close though, once you get through the ARU. I have been dealing with a friend at Mission/Itech Canada for awhile and everything he sends is great. I did order some Fuels through him so I can not wait to try them out and not have ankle issues.

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  gavin said:
  sogaduch said:
heres a question i only got to page 3 of reading but when you saw this why didnt you just go to your LHS to exchange them for another pair of those skates instead of having to go through the hassle of getting them fixed. now ive seen shotty jobs from bauer where the lining has been repaired and the threading didnt match and you could very well see where the new lining was placed,lets just say that customer wasnt very happy. But as for graf i know weve sent a few pair of skates in and theyve replaced them probably because weve been dealing with graf for over 15yrs
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Um I'm very sure that's exactly what djinferno did! Sorry to ressurect this thread but I just read through it for the first time and I am AMAZED! I have not owned Graf for about 6 years (I had a pair of Swiss Grafs back in High School) but needless to say I'm never going to buy anything from them.

And, Just have to say that :

notworthy.gif MISSION notworthy.gif

Justin, you rock and you guys down at mission deserve my business! Thank you so much for not being a jerk, as the industry is already flooded with them. You stand out, WAY OUT.

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Gavin, are you a member on marlinsbaseball?

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Amazing! I'll be in the market for some new gear soon (skates, pants, helmet)--I know which manufacturer I'll be looking at.

Mission Hockey just earned a HUGE deal of respect in my (admittedly) humble opinion.

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  Accord said:
  gavin said:
  sogaduch said:
heres a question i only got to page 3 of reading but when you saw this why didnt you just go to your LHS to exchange them for another pair of those skates instead of having to go through the hassle of getting them fixed. now ive seen shotty jobs from bauer where the lining has been repaired and the threading didnt match and you could very well see where the new lining was placed,lets just say that customer wasnt very happy. But as for graf i know weve sent a few pair of skates in and theyve replaced them probably because weve been dealing with graf for over 15yrs
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Um I'm very sure that's exactly what djinferno did! Sorry to ressurect this thread but I just read through it for the first time and I am AMAZED! I have not owned Graf for about 6 years (I had a pair of Swiss Grafs back in High School) but needless to say I'm never going to buy anything from them.

And, Just have to say that :

notworthy.gif MISSION notworthy.gif

Justin, you rock and you guys down at mission deserve my business! Thank you so much for not being a jerk, as the industry is already flooded with them. You stand out, WAY OUT.

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Gavin, are you a member on marlinsbaseball?

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No, I was going to use the gifs from lunarpages.com forum, but then realized I wasn't logged in there ATM, so I figured whatever... I'll just cut and paste your gifs. Thanks though! I hope it's not infringing, as I have the exact same animated gifs on a few of my own forums.

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i must say mission did a great job with this guy and they should be praised for it but myself i just prefer graf and there product i find the mission boot abit too deep in spots

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Yeah I know a feeling... leaving a skate that fits your foot like a glove and is your favorite skate by personal preference for the sole reason that the company that makes them has bad customer service.

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