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Reebok 9K Pants.

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I'm really wants a slimmer pair of pants. I'm currently using CCM V08s and I have heard that the Reebok 9Ks are pretty slim and form fitting. I do like how they are really just a girdle so I can just swap out shells depending on what team I am on (assuming other brand shells fit on them). I was just was wondering if anyone on the forums has had personal experience with them. Are they really worth the $170 price tag? Do other shells fit on them? etc.

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  ts.krajewski said:
I'm really wants a slimmer pair of pants. I'm currently using CCM V08s and I have heard that the Reebok 9Ks are pretty slim and form fitting. I do like how they are really just a girdle so I can just swap out shells depending on what team I am on (assuming other brand shells fit on them). I was just was wondering if anyone on the forums has had personal experience with them. Are they really worth the $170 price tag? Do other shells fit on them? etc.
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I've had a pair for 2 years. If you are looking for something that is reasonably light, reasonably protective, and form-fitting, you should definitely look at a pair. Of the various CCM/RBK pants I have used over the years, they are definitely the best - they don't restrict movement at all, they are comfortable/quite adjustable, and they have stood up well. I can't answer your question about other shells definitively, but I would imagine so - the shell the pants come with is easy to remove (3 strips of velcro, takes about 10 seconds), so I imagine others would fit fine.

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  Saint George said:
  ts.krajewski said:
I'm really wants a slimmer pair of pants. I'm currently using CCM V08s and I have heard that the Reebok 9Ks are pretty slim and form fitting. I do like how they are really just a girdle so I can just swap out shells depending on what team I am on (assuming other brand shells fit on them). I was just was wondering if anyone on the forums has had personal experience with them. Are they really worth the $170 price tag? Do other shells fit on them? etc.
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I've had a pair for 2 years. If you are looking for something that is reasonably light, reasonably protective, and form-fitting, you should definitely look at a pair. Of the various CCM/RBK pants I have used over the years, they are definitely the best - they don't restrict movement at all, they are comfortable/quite adjustable, and they have stood up well. I can't answer your question about other shells definitively, but I would imagine so - the shell the pants come with is easy to remove (3 strips of velcro, takes about 10 seconds), so I imagine others would fit fine.

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9k pants are the best pant I've ever worn. Fit, comfort and feel are amazing. I've had no issues with movement while skating either. I'd recommend them to any mid level to competitive player. Also I have a ccm shell that I picked up the other week. I just added some velcro straps to work with the existing holding points for the rbk shell and it works great.

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  ts.krajewski said:
I'm really wants a slimmer pair of pants. I'm currently using CCM V08s and I have heard that the Reebok 9Ks are pretty slim and form fitting. I do like how they are really just a girdle so I can just swap out shells depending on what team I am on (assuming other brand shells fit on them). I was just was wondering if anyone on the forums has had personal experience with them. Are they really worth the $170 price tag? Do other shells fit on them? etc.
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They are the best breezers I've ever had, however you can NOT just use any shell you want, you'll need to find 9k shells somewhere (nobody sells them) if you need a different color.

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I would get the CCM Vector Pro Girdle and Shell. Its way more streamlined and fitting with virtually no break in as it is essentially a two-piece pant with the shell that attaches via button to the girdle. No break in either, at least in my case.

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  On 9/30/2009 at 2:49 AM, ts.krajewski said:

I'm really wants a slimmer pair of pants. I'm currently using CCM V08s and I have heard that the Reebok 9Ks are pretty slim and form fitting. I do like how they are really just a girdle so I can just swap out shells depending on what team I am on (assuming other brand shells fit on them). I was just was wondering if anyone on the forums has had personal experience with them. Are they really worth the $170 price tag? Do other shells fit on them? etc.

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The vapor series of pants tends to be slimmer than normal if you want to give those a try.

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